英語韓国紹介「Korea:The Impossible Country韓国:ありえない国」Daniel Tudor(エコノミスト誌韓国特派員)著 Tuttle Publishing 2012年発行 US$22.95 320頁+写真16頁 21×14×2.9㎝ 0.5㎏ Hardcover Dustjacket
【内容紹介】South Korea's amazing rise from the ashes: the inside story of an economic, political, and cultural phenomenon
Long overshadowed by Japan and China, South Korea is a small country that happens to be one of the great national success stories of the postwar period. From a failed state with no democratic tradition, ruined and partitioned by war, and sapped by a half-century of colonial rule, South Korea transformed itself in just fifty years into an economic powerhouse and a democracy that serves as a model for other countries. With no natural resources and a tradition of authoritarian rule, Korea managed to accomplish a second Asian miracle.
Daniel Tudor is a journalist who has lived in and written about Korea for almost a decade. In Korea: The Impossible Country, Tudor examines Korea's cultural foundations; the Korean character; the public sphere in politics, business, and the workplace as well as the family, dating, and marriage. In doing so, he touches on topics as diverse as shamanism, clan-ism, the dilemma posed by North Korea, the myths about doing business in Korea, the Koreans' renowned hard-partying ethos, and why the infatuation with learning English is now causing massive social problems.……
【著者について】Daniel Tudor is from Manchester, England, and graduated with a BA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from Oxford University. He has lived in Seoul for a many years and served as Korea Correspondent for The Economist from 2010-2013. The first edition of Korea: The Impossible Country received high praise and has been translated into Korean, Chinese, Polish, and Thai. His subsequent book, North Korea Confidential (with James Pearson), was selected by The Economist as one of the best books of 2015. He is also co-founder of Seoul-based The Booth Brewing Company.
【中央日報「韓国人、不可能な目標は捨てて“韓国スタイル”で暮らすべき」2012.10.01より】……チューダーさんは今、韓国・北朝鮮関連のソウル発記事をエコノミストに送稿している。中央SUNDAYには昨年8月からコラムを寄稿している。チューダーさんが韓国への愛情を本で出そうと考えたのは昨年(2011)初めだ。300ページ以上の本のタイトルは『Korea:The Impossible Country』(韓国:不可能な国)だ。古朝鮮から現代までの歴史はもちろん、職場文化、民族主義、男女平等のような社会全般の問題を扱っている。米国出版社から出した英語版だが、韓国語翻訳本を準備中だ。……
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