Gregory Uhlmann / Odd Job (日本盤CD) Fell R
The Dears / Gang Of Losers (輸入盤CD)
Jebediah / Braxton Hicks (日本盤CD) ボーナス2曲
808 State / Blueprint (輸入盤CD)
Willie Wisely / Turbosherbet (輸入盤CD) Oct
Weezer / Weezer (輸入盤CD) ウィーザー
遠藤賢司 / Niyago (日本盤CD) 細野晴臣 鈴木茂 松本隆
Miighty Flashlight / Miighty Flashlight
Mi And L'Au / Mi And L'Au (輸入盤CD)
The Rhinos / Year Of The Rhinos (日本流通盤CD
Power Of Dreams / Immigrants, Emigrants
Edwyn Collins / If You Could Love Me (輸入
Electric Orange / Cyberdelic (輸入盤CD) Blo
The Delgados / Universal Audio (輸入盤CD) C
The Beautiful Mistake / Light A Match, F
Trumans Water / Godspeed The Vortex (輸入盤
Space Kelly / Space Kelly (日本盤CD) スペース・ケ
The Hormones / Where Old Ghosts Meet (輸入
Copeland / Beneath Medicine Tree (輸入盤CD)
Various / Snapology (日本盤CD) Snap Records
Marbles / Pyramid Landing And Other Favo
Copeland / You Are My Sunshine (輸入盤CD) T
Buddha Stick / Soundtrack For The Movie
Theta / Tone Poems For Sad Times (輸入盤CD)
The Weekenders / Inelegantly Wasted In P
Bright Eyes / Every Day And Every Night
Aereogramme / A Story In White (輸入盤CD) C
A House / Wide Eyed And Ignorant (輸入盤CD)
The Smashing Pumpkins / Adore (日本盤CD) ボー
The Wonder Stuff / Unbearable (輸入盤CD) Mi
The Panda Gang / For A Rainy Day (日本盤CD)
Appendix Out / Daylight Saving (輸入盤CD) D
Joshua / A Whole New Theory (日本盤CD) ボーナス
The Vines / Winning Days (日本盤CD) ボーナス1曲
The Tannahill Weavers / The Mermaid's So
King Biscuit Time / King Biscuit Time (日
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah / Clap Your Han
Windy And Carl / We Will Always Be (輸入盤C
The Spent Poets / The Spent Poets (日本盤CD
The Aluminum Group / Plano (輸入盤CD) Minty
Ben & Jason / Ten Songs About You (輸入盤CD
The Vaselines / The Way Of The Vaselines
The Verve Pipe / Villains (輸入盤CD) ザ・ヴァーヴ
18 Wheeler / Twin Action (輸入盤CD) Creatio
The Bluetones / Expecting To Fly (輸入盤CD)
Oceansize / Relapse EP (輸入盤CD) Beggars B
Fugazi / End Hits (輸入盤CD) Dischord Recor