英語/経済「The Limits to Certainty:Facing Risks in the New Service Economy:International studies in the service economy:A Volume of the Information Series of the Club of Rome/不確実性と人類の未来―リスクに挑む新サービス経済 」O. Giarini/オリオ・ジアリーニ, W.R. Stahel/ヴァルター R. スタヘル(著) Kluwer Academic Publishers 1993年第2版改訂版(1989年初版) 目次序23頁+270頁 24.6×16.5×2.3 0.68㎏ Hardcover
【裏表紙より】This second edition of The Limits to Certainty has been thoroughly revised and edited. A new chapter on `Facing Social Uncertainty' has been added, while the section on `Value and Time in the Service Economy: The Notion of Utilization' has been extended in order to include the conclusions of recent research conducted by the authors on the subject of waste prevention on the product level, i.e. making a better use of resources during the utilization of goods.
The key to economic progress has always been the better allocation of resources, and the majority of resources available today are in the form of service activities. In order to measure and exploit such resources, one needs a theoretical frame of reference based on the notions of risk and uncertainty, rather than on the 'certain' equilibrium of the present economic system.
Service means performances, in real periods of time, which means that the identification of values must be based on probabilities: the assessment of the probability and cost of a distribution of events in the future. The Limits to Certainty, with a Preface by Ilya Prigogine and a Foreword by Alexander King, is thus about the economic foundations of the Service Economy.……
【「TRC MARC」の商品解説】モノに対してサービスの比重が極端に高いIT経済を「サービス経済」として、また有限な地球の中で持続可能で豊かな社会をどのように実現していくのか、リスクと不確実性を前提に議論する。
【著者紹介】オリオ・ジアリーニは1936年生まれ。ジュネーブ大学ヨーロッパ研究所教授、ジュネーブ協会評議員。ヴァルター R.スタヘルはチューリッヒ工科大学で建築、都市計画を学ぶ。経営コンサルタント。