African American Classics in
Shaun L.Gabbidon, Helen Taylor Greene, Vernetta D.Young
寸法:17.8 × 25.3 × 厚 2.3 cm
This anthology provides a collection of classic articles in criminology//criminal justice written by black scholars and researchers beginning with W E B Dubois up through Lee Brown, the current mayor of Houston, TX. Articles focus on crime and the black community in social, economic, and political contexts. Never before collected in a single volume, this book offers a chronology of late 19th and 20th century perspectives from African-American scholars who, until recently, have not had a major voice in the development of criminological theory and social policy.
このアンソロジーは、WEB Dubois から現テキサス州ヒューストン市長の Lee Brown まで、黒人学者や研究者によって書かれた犯罪学//刑事司法の古典的な論文のコレクションを提供します。記事は、社会的、経済的、政治的文脈における犯罪と黒人コミュニティに焦点を当てています。これまで一冊にまとめられたことのないこの本は、最近まで犯罪理論や社会政策の発展において大きな発言力を持っていなかったアフリカ系アメリカ人の学者による 19 世紀後半から 20 世紀の年表を提供します。
※ うす汚れやコスレに加え、小汚れや端の曲がり、折れなどが随所にありややハッキリめの中古感がしていますが、大きな傷みや極端な汚れはありません。書き込みもなしです。投函でお届けできる範囲ギリギリの厚みがあるため、簡易包装とさせていただきます。
Foreword - Anne Thomas Sulton Introduction Pedagogical Reconstruction: Incorporating African American Persepectives Into the Curriculum - Vernetta D. Young Part I: Historical Classics Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases - Ida B. Wells-Barnett The Negro Criminal - W.E.B. Du Bois Crime Among the Negros of Chicago: A Social Study - Monroe N. Work The Spawn of Slavery: The Convict-Lease System in the South - W.E.B. Du Bois Negro Criminality in the South - Monroe N. Work Rebellious Youth - E. Franklin Frazier Community Factors in Negro Delinquency - Earl R. Moses Differentials in Crime Rates
Between Negros and Whites, Based on Comparisons of Four Socio-Economically Equated Areas - Earl R. Moses Part II: Contemporary Classics Unequal Justice in the State Criminal Justice System - A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. White Racism, Black Crime, and American Justice: An Application of the Colonial Model to Explain Crime and Race - Robert Staples Women, Race, and Crime - Vernetta D. Young Beyond Anomalies: Rethinking the Conflict Perspective on Race and Criminal Punishment - Darnell F. Hawkins Devalued Lives and Racial Stereotypes: Ideological Barriers to the Prevention of Family Violence Among Blacks - Darnell F. Hawkins Community Policing: A Practical Guide for Police Officials - Lee P. Brown
Race, Ethnicity, and the Spatial Dynamic: Toward a Realistic Study of Black Crime, Crime Victimization, and Criminal Justice Processing of Blacks - Daniel E. Georges-Abeyie Black Males and Social Problems: Prevention Through Afrocentric Socialization - William Oliver Minority and Female: A Criminal Justice Double Bind - Coramae Richey Mann Development of a Black Criminology and the Role of the Black Criminologist - Katheryn K. Russell The Code of the Streets - Elijah Anderson The Colonial Model as a Theoretical Explanation of Crime and Delinquency - Becky Tatum Racially Based Jury Nullification: Black Power in the Criminal Justice System - Paul Butler The Racial Hoax as Crime: The Law as Afirmation - Kartheryn K. Russell Index About the Editors About the Contributors.