英語道路マップ「Along Interstate 75/州間幹線道75号線に沿って(ミシガンからフロリダ州境まで)」 Dave Hunter著 2012年8月第17版 Mile Oak Publishing Inc.発行 スパイラル版 203頁 USA$26.95 23.2×15.7×1.5cm 0.3kg paperback
(商品紹介)If you drive on any section of Interstate-75 anywhere between Detroit, Michigan and the Florida border, this book is an absolute MUST. Full of practical information and roadside stories, this mile-by-mile guidebook entertains you and your passengers on your journey - it turns a boring drive into a fun trip. The book features: 106 colored maps and 196 colored photos, 67 b&w maps and photos and 105 charts and diagrams. 72 restaurant and money-saving tips. 24 Special Interest reports. Concealed spiral binding with laminated wrap-around cover and book mark flap.