【送料無料】美品 ザ・バーズ後期 CD3作品 11th[ファーザー・アロング]+10th[バードマニア]+8th[イージー・ライダー] ロジャー・マッギン

【送料無料】美品 ザ・バーズ後期 CD3作品 11th[ファーザー・アロング]+10th[バードマニア]+8th[イージー・ライダー] ロジャー・マッギン 收藏

当前价格: 3000 日元(合 154.80 人民币)










开始时间:03/03/2025 20:16:15

个 数:1

结束时间:03/10/2025 19:16:15








卖家账号:prine38 收藏卖家



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① 11th[ファーザー・アロング FATHER ALONG] 全14曲 SRCS9496 2000年CD発売 国内盤 帯付 <ボーナストラック;3曲>
② 10th[バードマニア BARDMANIAX] 全14曲 SRCS9495 2000年CD発売 国内盤  帯付 <ボーナストラック;3曲>
③ 8th[イージー・ライダー BALLAD OF EASY RIDER] 全18曲 SRCS9229 1997年CD発売 国内盤 帯付 <ボーナストラック;7曲>
*尚、映画「イージー・ライダー」(1969年)のエンディングで流れる「BALLAD OF EASY RIDER」は、このバーズのヴァージョンではなくシンプルなR.マッギンのソロ・ヴァージョンです。本作には更に、ボーナストラックとしてロング・ヴァージョンも収録されています。またアルバムのラスト11曲目に収録されたアポロ11号で人類初の月面着陸を果たした3人の宇宙飛行士を称える歌が、1969年という節目の年に<イージーライダー>と<月面着陸>という光と影を同時にしょい込んだ当時のアメリカの大きさを感じるアルバムです。


[Free shipping] Beautiful condition The Byrds late CD 3 works 11th [Further Along] + 10th [Birdmania] + 8th [Easy Rider] Roger McGuinn

[Free shipping] We are offering 3 works [Further Along] [Birdmania] [Easy Rider] of the late Byrds led by Roger McGuinn, who led the American rock scene. This is not a rental product. It has only been listened to twice because it is recorded.

① 11th [Further Along FATHER ALONG] 14 songs in total SRCS9496 CD released in 2000 Domestic edition with obi <Bonus track; 3 songs>

*For detailed track list, please see image 6.

② 10th [Birdmania BARDMANIAX] 14 songs in total SRCS9495 CD released in 2000 Domestic edition with obi <Bonus track; 3 songs>

*For detailed track list, please see image 7.

③ 8th [BALLAD OF EASY RIDER] 18 songs in total SRCS9229 1997 CD release Domestic edition with obi <Bonus tracks; 7 songs> *For detailed track list, please see image 7. ① is the final album of the Byrds, which marked the end of their activities since 1965. It was self-produced and marked a shift from the direction of their previous album, which had thick arrangements, to a solid band sound. The combination of McGuinn/White/Battin/Parsons, which continued for three years, was also good, and I think it is a masterpiece rock and roll album that only they could have made, having fully incorporated the country rock direction since Sweetheart of the Rodeo. -Omitted-'

From the liner notes of Yoichi Aoyama in the February 2014 issue of Record Collectors

② is,
When you think of [Birdmania], the first thing that comes to mind is that it's a poor work overproduced by Terry Melcher, but the introduction of large-scale horns and strings matches the gospel-like feel that permeates the album, and I personally love it. It's quite different from the Byrds' traditional style, but it's very well-made and I think it's a good work of all-round West Coast rock. However, there are many scenes where the efforts of Skip Battin and Gene Parsons are pulling the whole album, so I can understand why Roger McGuinn fans feel a little sad...-Omitted-'

From the liner notes of Yoichi Aoyama in the February 2014 issue of Record Collectors

③ is,
'They released two albums each in 1968 and 1969, and it was a time of turmoil with member changes, so I'm amazed at their creative pace. This is the second album in 1969, and the four-member lineup from the previous album [Byrds Hiroshi and Mr. Hyde] continues, and the impression is that it is a more calm country rock than the previous album, which seemed to seek variety. The return of early producer Terry Melcher may have had some influence. -Omitted-

From the liner notes of Record Collectors, February 2014 issue, Yoichi Aoyama

*The "BALLAD OF EASY RIDER" that plays at the end of the movie "Easy Rider" (1969) is not the Byrds version, but a simple solo version by R. McGuinn. This album also includes a long version as a bonus track. Also, the last song on the album is a song praising the three astronauts who made the first manned moon landing on Apollo 11, and it is an album that makes you feel the greatness of America at that time, which was the turning point of 1969, and was filled with both light and shadow of <Easy Rider> and <Moon Landing>.

I am listing these items to clear out my inventory, but unfortunately I will not be selling them separately. Please purchase as a set of 3. They have been carefully stored, and although the discs are clean, they have been stored for a long time, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive about such things. No claims or returns will be accepted. I will do my best to ship as quickly as possible.
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