m輸入ウクレレ楽譜 Easy Ukulele Strumming Book. 100 Strumming Patterns ウクレレのストラミングパターン100 收藏
一口价: 1320 (合 65.34 人民币)
开始时间:01/18/2025 09:53:32
个 数:1
结束时间:01/19/2025 08:53:32
♪発行年-2024年。 ♪価 格-----+税。 ♪曲目♪内容♪レベルなど♪ Are you struggling to come up with new strumming patterns for your ukulele? Do you feel bored playing the same basic patterns over and over again? Are you stuck in a rut, unable to break free from repetitive strumming techniques? Here is your perfect solution:"Easy Ukulele Strumming Book." (Low G edition). Discover a world of strumming possibilities and breathe new life into your ukulele playing with the "Easy Ukulele Strumming Book"! Jimmy McRay, a seasoned professional session musician with over two decades of experience in teaching, performing, and composing music, has crafted an exceptional book designed to help musicians overcome common challenges in strumming technique. He reveals his secret tool: a tried-and-true method that has significantly enhanced the playing skills of thousands of students. This tool is the "Easy Ukulele Strumming Book," an invaluable resource that provides 100 unique strumming patterns and 100 chord progressions, making it an inclusive tool for improving strumming skills. In the "Easy Ukulele Strumming Book," you’ll find: 100 easy and unique strumming patterns 100 versatile chord progressions A comprehensive chart featuring 41 essential ukulele chords Simple, clear instructions Explanations on reading tablature All examples written in easy-to-follow tabs and notes And most importantly, you will: Develop your rhythm and timing Get unlimited inspiration Enhance your musical creativity Build a solid foundation for advanced strumming techniques Gain confidence in your playing abilities 巻末のQRコードを使うとダウンロードできます。 同梱もお受けいたしますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 このサイズの本同士ですと2冊まで送料に変化ございません。 ダメージ説明 表紙ダメージ-日焼け(なし) スレ(軽度) 折れ(軽度) 開き癖(なし) 譜面ダメージ-日焼け(軽度) 端折れ(軽度) | |
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