
【送料無料】GSザ・ハプニングス・フォー他CD2枚[マジカル・ハプニングス・ツアー&引潮・満潮]+[GS&POPSゴールデン・コレクション/V.A.] 收藏

当前价格: 2800 日元(合 144.48 人民币)

一口价: 2800 (合 144.48 人民币)











开始时间:03/03/2025 20:34:56

个 数:1

结束时间:03/10/2025 19:34:56








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【送料無料】で 異色の60年代グループサウンズ《ザ・ハプニングス・フォー》のデビューアルバムとラストアルバムをCD1枚に収録した[マジカル・ハプニングス・ツアー&引潮・満潮]とテリーズ、ザ・フェニックス、ザ・スピリッツ、ムスタング等 寺内企画からデビューしたGS陣とミッチー・サハラ、木の実ナナなどの女性ヴォーカルを含むKING RECORD[GSPOPS CD COLLECTIONシリーズ]のオムニバスCD合計2枚を出品致します。レンタル落ちではありません。23回の試聴です。
[マジカル・ハプニングス・ツアー&引潮・満潮] 23曲 1968/1971年作品 《極東ロックコレクション》CT25-5578  1989CD発売 東芝EMI
② [GSPOPSゴールデン・コレクション/V.A.] 23KICS-2082 1990CD発売 国内盤 《GSPOPS CD COLLECTIONシリーズ》
                                   ラヴ・ジェネレーション1966-1979 音楽之友社 田口史人氏 ライナーより



[Free shipping] GS The Happenings Four 2 CDs [Magical Happenings Tour & Low Tide, High Tide] + [GS & POPS Golden Collection / V.A.] Group Sounds

[Free shipping] We are offering two omnibus CDs in total from KING RECORD's [GS & POPS CD COLLECTION series], including the debut album and last album of the unique 60's group sounds "The Happenings Four" on one CD [Magical Happenings Tour & Low Tide, High Tide], and GS bands that debuted from Terauchi Kikaku such as Terry's, The Phoenix, The Spirits, Mustang, and female vocalists such as Mitchie Sahara and Kinomi Nana. Not rental copies. Listened to 2-3 times.

① [Magical Happenings Tour & Low Tide & High Tide] 23 songs total 1968/1971 work "Far East Rock Collection" CT25-5578 CD release 1989 Toshiba EMI version
*Please see image 5 for detailed song titles.

As written in the bottom right of image 5, "Sakura and Tile Roof View Town" on the original LP was cut due to recording time.

② [GS & POPS Golden Collection/V.A.] 23 songs total KICS-2082 CD release 1990 Domestic version "GS & POPS CD COLLECTION series"
*Please see image 6 for detailed artist and song titles.

① is

1st album "Happenings Four debuted as a unique GS band without guitar, but originally had a wide musicality that deviated from the concept of GS. This first album could be described as Beatles meets Latin, but their superbly refined digestion of Latin music is far from the naivety of the Beatles. Instead, the whole album is full of playfulness, making full use of their many drawers and their skills. Most of the album is made up of covers, from Francis Lai to the Monkees and of course the Beatles, but the quality of the originals such as ⑤⑦⑪⑰ are what catch your ear. 』

4th album 『After Latin/Boogaloo~Classic/Soft Rock~Underground Folk/Pop, their fourth album is progressive rock. Although they debuted as a GS band, the lineup is guitarless, and this last album is the only one that can be called ``rock'' directly. What's worth listening to is Kuni Kawauchi's keyboard composition. If it had been an average progressive rock band of the time, it wouldn't have been so refreshing. Although the theme is the impermanence of a person's life, it also has a certain lightness to it, which is due to the skill of this sound production. Naturally, it has the most rock-like dynamism of all their works, but rather, I am attracted to their ability as a group of craftsmen and their overly vigorous curiosity. Love Generation 1966-1979 Ongaku No Tomosha, from the liner notes by Taguchi Fumito ② is an omnibus album composed mainly of GS from Terauchi Kikaku (President Terauchi Takeshi), who debuted with King Records. It includes rare takes such as The Phoenix's "Sad Unrequited Love" (B-side of Goodbye Baby), which can only be heard on this album, and Terry's "Roses of Thought" and "Sunset Riverside." Furthermore, Kimoto Yoshio's "Tears of Guitar" is the very earliest work by the late Sugiyama Koichi as a composer. France Gall's "Dreaming Chanson Doll," which has countless covers from Koshiji Fubuki to Mimi Hagiwara, has a cute take by Michie Sahara, who sings the second verse and beyond in French. I am listing these items to clear out my inventory, but unfortunately I will not be selling them separately. Please purchase as a set of two. They have been carefully stored, and although the discs are clean, they have been stored for a long time, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive about such things. No claims or returns will be accepted. I will do my best to ship as quickly as possible.

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