英語「Working Women in Japan:Discrimination,Resistance,and Reform/日本の働く女たち:差別、反抗、改革」Alice H.Cook/林弘子i共著 Cornell International Industrial and Labor Relations Report(Number 10) 1980年 Cornell University発行 124頁 18.7×13.2×1.1cm 0.16kg paperback
(ウィキペディアより) Alice Hanson Cook (November 28, 1903 February 7, 1998) was an activist and professor at Cornell University in the United States. At Cornell, the Alice Cook House residential college was named in her honor.
Her varied life experiences included social worker, YWCA secretary, labor educator, post World War II advisor in Germany on reconstituting German labor unions, professor, university ombudsman, world acclaimed researcher, and to the very end, an activist. Cook was appointed Cornell University's first ombudsman and worked to establish the credibility and acceptance of that office.
(著者紹介) 林弘子氏は、九州大法学部卒、九州大大学院修了。米国チュレーン大ロースクールを卒業。労働法が専門。熊本商科大(現熊本学園大)教授、福岡大教授などを経て平成25年4月から宮崎公立大学学長。米イエール大などで上級研究員や客員教授を歴任した。平成28年11月死去。
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