【送料無料】ビージーズ THE BEE GEES CD6枚 [ANTHOLOGY1963-1966]+[1ST]+[HORIZONTAL]+[IDEA]+[ODESSA]+[TRAFALGAL] +おまけBlu-Ray付き

【送料無料】ビージーズ THE BEE GEES CD6枚 [ANTHOLOGY1963-1966]+[1ST]+[HORIZONTAL]+[IDEA]+[ODESSA]+[TRAFALGAL] +おまけBlu-Ray付き 收藏

当前价格: 13000 日元(合 670.80 人民币)

一口价: 13000 (合 670.80 人民币)











开始时间:03/03/2025 21:51:59

个 数:1

结束时间:03/10/2025 19:51:30








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【送料無料】ビージーズTHE BEE GEES CD6[ANTHOLOGY1963-1966][1ST][HORIZONTAL][IDEA][ODESSA][TRAFALGAL]   +おまけBlu-Ray付き,グループサウンズ

[ANTHOLOGY1963-1966]  13TECW-20473  TEICHIKU国内盤  1997CD発売
1st [BEE GEES 1ST]  14曲  1967年作品 POCP2225  POLYDOR国内盤  1992CD発売
2nd [HORIZONTAL]  12曲 833 659-2 1968年作品 英国盤   1997CD発売
3rd [IDEA] 13曲  833 660-2 1968年作品 英国盤  1997CD発売
4th [ODESSA] 16曲 1969年作品 POCP2228  POLYDOR国内盤  1992CD発売
7th [TRAFALGAL]  12曲 833 786-2  1971年作品 英国盤 1997CD発売

②本CD(1ST)は、ビー・ジーズの記念すべきファーストにして、永遠に色あせることがない名作! バリー、ロビン、モーリスのギブ三兄弟によるポップ・グループ、ビー・ジーズが、オーストラリアでの活動を経てイギリスに帰国し、ポリドール・レコードと契約して67年に発表したファースト・アルバム。5人編成の初期の彼らでしか味わえない、瑞々しくて愁いのあるメロディ・ラインと、兄弟ならではの美しいハーモニー・ワールドを存分に味わうことができる名作。ヒット曲「ホリデイ」「トゥ・ラブ・サムバディ」「誰も見えない」を収録。5曲目は、リヴォヴァ―の影響を感じられる「TAXMAN」似の曲。「ホリデイ」は、タイガースのライブでTOPPOの重要なレパートリー、GSハプニングス・フォーもアルバムでカバー。
③本CD(HORIZONTAL)は、1968年発表のアルバムで、彼らの出世作。賛美歌を連想させるところもある力強さと、甘いメロディを合わせ持つ作品。ヒット曲「ワールド」「マサチューセッツ」を収録。10曲目は、「ドライブ・マイ・カー」似のメロディー。オーストラリア時代は「YOU WANT SEE ME」も吹き込んでいる。1曲目は石間秀樹のいたビーバーズがアルバムの中でカバー。5曲目もアルバムの中でテンプターズがカバー(歌;大口ひろし)。「マサチューセッツ」は、故・尾崎紀世彦が在籍したGSワンダーズもカバー。また「恋はみずいろ」のヴィッキーの「星空のマサチューセッツ」も好カバー。
                                                                       TOWRE RECORD 他 ライナーより

●尚、おまけとして(家庭録画ですが、)上記「小さな恋のメロディ」(1971年作品)ブルーレイDISC 107minをお付け致します。ビージーズの「IN THE MORNINNG」にはじまり、「メロディ・フェア」「若葉の頃」が若き日のマーク・レスタ―やトレイシー・ハイドを包みます。CSN&Yのの「ティ―チ・ユア・チルドレン」もこの映画で有名になりました。




[Free shipping]
We are offering five original albums from the 60s, beloved by the group sounds of the 60s, before the Bee Gees moved on to disco music, as well as a best-of album from their time in Australia. The cases and jackets have yellowing from age (no tobacco smell), but the records are all in good condition.

① [ANTHOLOGY1963-1966] 13 songs TECW-20473 TEICHIKU Japan CD released in 1997
② 1st [BEE GEES 1ST] 14 songs 1967 POCP2225 POLYDOR Japan CD released in 1992
③ 2nd [HORIZONTAL] 12 songs 833 659-2 1968 UK CD released in 1997
④ 3rd [IDEA] 13 songs 833 660-2 1968 UK CD released in 1997
⑤ 4th [ODESSA] 16 songs 1969 POCP2228 POLYDOR Japan CD released in 1992
⑥ 7th [TRAFALGAL] 12 songs 833 786-2 1971 release, UK edition, CD release, 1997

*For detailed song titles, please refer to images 5-10.

①An anthology album from the Bee Gees' early days in Australia. From this time on, there were almost no cover songs, and the album was dominated by original works (only the third song, "Looking Back"), with a relaxed, soft-touch melody that is reminiscent of what they would do later. Among them, "Spicks and Specks" is particularly catchy, and its success became a stepping stone to their advancement into the UK. In the UK, this song was also covered by Merseybeat bands The Searchers and Status Quo. The following year, in 1967, they made their world debut with "New York Mining Disaster." As is well known, this is the best album from the Bee Gees' early days in Australia, when they produced many big hits and classic songs.

②This CD (1ST) is the Bee Gees' memorable first album, a timeless masterpiece! The Bee Gees, a pop group consisting of the three Gibb brothers, Barry, Robin, and Maurice, returned to the UK after their activities in Australia and signed with Polydor Records, releasing their first album in 1967. This masterpiece allows you to fully enjoy the fresh and melancholic melody lines and beautiful harmony world unique to the brothers, which can only be experienced with the early five-member group. It includes the hit songs "Holiday," "To Love Somebody," and "Nobody Sees Anybody." The fifth song is a song similar to "TAXMAN," which has the influence of Revoir. "Holiday" is an important repertoire for TOPPO at Tigers' live shows, and is also covered by GS Happenings Four on the album.

③This CD (HORIZONTAL) is an album released in 1968, and was their breakthrough work. It is a work that combines a strength that is reminiscent of hymns with a sweet melody. Includes hit songs "World" and "Massachusetts". The 10th track has a melody similar to "Drive My Car". During their time in Australia, they also recorded "YOU WANT SEE ME". The first track was covered by the Beavers, who included Hideki Ishihara, on their album. The fifth track was also covered by the Tempters (sung by Hiroshi Oguchi) on their album. "Massachusetts" was also covered by GS Wonders, which included the late Kiyohiko Ozaki. Also, Vicky's "Massachusetts Under the Starry Sky" from "Love is Light Blue" was a great cover.

④This CD (IDEA) was released in 1968 and is the last album by the original members. The melancholic melody line allows you to fully enjoy the essence of 1960s pop music. The beauty of the chorus is unique to them. Includes hit songs "Letters in Prison" and "Joke". Both songs are standard stage repertoire for the Tigers. The other songs are well-defined and can be said to be their best works from their early days. Only the sixth track is not by the Gibb Brothers.

⑤This CD (ODESSA) is a 2-LP concept album produced in 1969 after Vince Melony left the band. It includes the big hits "Melody Fair" and "When the Leaves Were Young". "Melody Fair" became an unseasonable big hit (only in Japan) with the break of the movie "Melody ('71)", and confirmed the popularity of this album. You can hear the Tigers' TOPPO voice (or so you think) in the magnificent strings and chorus. The scene with Tracy Hyde in the movie "When the Leaves Were Young" is also memorable.

⑥This CD (TRAFALGAR) is the seventh album released in 1971. It includes "Heartbreak Days", which was the first US No. 1 hit, and others. The songwriting is also outstanding. This album is supported in Japan even at a time when the popularity of the album was starting to decline in other countries.
TOWRE RECORD etc. Liner notes

●As a bonus, we will include the above-mentioned "Melody" (1971) Blu-ray DISC 107 min (although it was recorded at home). Starting with the Bee Gees' "IN THE MORNING", "Melody Fair" and "When the Leaves Were Young" envelop young Mark Rester and Tracy Hyde. CSN&Y's "Teach Your Children" also became famous through this movie.

We are listing these items for inventory adjustment, but unfortunately we will not sell them separately. Please purchase as a set of 6. Although they have been carefully stored, the discs are clean, but they have been stored for a long time, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive. No claims or returns please. We will try to ship quickly.

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