(唄)デボラカー, ユル ブリンナー 他
アルフレッド. ニューマン指揮 オーケストラとコーラス
【A 面)
1.序 曲(Overture)
2. ロ笛ふいて(I Whistle A Happy Tune)
3. マイロードアンドマスター
(My Lord And Master)
4. ハローヤング. ラヴァー
(Hello, Young Lovers)
(The March Of Siamese Children)
6.バズルメント (A Puzzlement)
【B 面)
(Getting To Know You)
2.木蔭のくちづけ (We Kiss In A Shadow)
3. アイハヴドリームド (I Have Dreamed)
(Shall I Tell You What I Think Of You?)
5. サムシングワンダフル
(Something Wonderful)
6.王様の歌(Song Of The King)
7.シャルウィ ダンス
(Shall We Dance?)
8. サムシングワンダフル
(Something Wonderful)
Whenever 1 feel afraid 1 hold my head erect
And whistle a happy tune,
So no one will suspect I'm afraid
While shivering in my shoes 1 strike a careless pose
And whistle a happy tune
And no one ever knows I'm afraid.
The result of this deception is very strange to tell
For when 1 fool the people I fear I fool myself as
I whistle a happy tune
And ev'ry single time
The happiness in the tune convinces me that I'm not
Make believe you're brave
And the trick will take you far.
You may be as brave as you make believe you are.
He is pleased with me,
My lord and Master
Declares he's pleased with me, what does he mean?
What does he know of me, this Lord and Master?
When he has looked at me, what has he seen?
Something young, soft and slim,
Painted cheek, tap'ring limb,
Smiling lips all for him.
Eyes that shine just for him,
So he thinks just for him.
Though the man may be
My lord and Master
Though he may study me as hard as he can,
The smile beneath my smile
He'll never see
He'll never know I love another man.
When I think of Tom
I think about a night when the earth smelled of
And the sky was streaked with white
And the soft mist of England was sleeping on a hill,
I remember this
And I always will
There are new lovers now on the same silent hill
Looking on the same blue sea,
And I know Tom and I are a part of them all,
And they're all a part of Tom and me.
Hello, young lovers, whoever you are, I hope your
troubles are few.
All my good wishes go with you tonight I've been in
love like you.
Be brave, young lovers, and follow your star,
Be brave and faithful and true,
Cling very close to each other Jonigbt.
I've been in love like you.
1 know how it feels to have wings on your heels
And to fly doawe a street in a trance.
You fly down a street on the chance that you'll mecet,
And you meet not really by chance.
Don't cry, young lovers whatever you do,
Don't cry because I'm alone,
All of my mem'ries are happy tonight,
I've had a love of my own,
I've had a love of my own, like yours,
I've had a love of my own.
When I was a boy,
World was better spot,
What was so was so,
What was not was not.
Now I am a man,
World have change a lot
Some things nearly so,
Others nearly not.
There are times 1 almost think I am not sure of what
I absolutely know;
Very often find confusion in conclusion I concluded
long ago.
In my head are many facts that,
As a studentI have studied to procure
In my head are many facts,
Of which I wish I was more certain I was sure.
Is a puzzlement.
Shall I join with other nations in alliance?
If allies are weak am I not best alone ?
If allies are strong with pwer to protect me,
Might they not protect me out
Is a danger to be trusting one another,
One will seldom want to do what other wishes,
But unless someday, somebody trust somebody,
There'll be nothing left on earth excepting fishes!
There are times 1 almost think nobody sure of what
he absolutely know,
Ev'rybody find confusion in conclusion he concluded
long ago.
And it puzzle me to learm that tho' a man may be in
doubt of what he know,
Very quickly will he fight,
He'll fight to prove that what be docs not know is so
Oh! Sometimes I think that people going mad!
Ah! Sometimes I think that people not so bad.
But no matter what I think, I must go on living life.
As a leader of my kingdomI must go forth.
Be father to my children,
And husband to each wife,
Etcetera, etcetera, and so forth.
If my Lord in heaven, Buddha, show the way,
Ev'ry day I try to Iive another day,
If my Lord in heaven, Buddha show the way,
Ev'ry day 1 do my best for one more day,
But is a puzlement!
all I own?
I's a very ancient saying, but a true and honest
That if you become a teacher,
By your pupils you'll be taught,
As a teacher I've been learning
You'll forgive me if I boast
And I've now become an expert,
On the subject I like most,
Getting to know you.
Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.
Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me.
Getting to know you,
Putting it my way, but nicely,….
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