【送料無料】スモール・フェイセズCD2枚+DVD[オグデンズ・ナット・ゴーン・フレイク][ゼイ・アー・バッド・フォー][Colour Me Pop1968&TV]

【送料無料】スモール・フェイセズCD2枚+DVD[オグデンズ・ナット・ゴーン・フレイク][ゼイ・アー・バッド・フォー][Colour Me Pop1968&TV] 收藏

当前价格: 4000 日元(合 206.40 人民币)

一口价: 4000 (合 206.40 人民币)











开始时间:03/03/2025 20:17:31

个 数:1

结束时间:03/10/2025 19:17:31








卖家账号:prine38 收藏卖家



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【送料無料】スモール・フェイセズ SMALL FACES CD2+DVD[オグデンズ・ナット・ゴーン・フレイク][ゼイ・アー・バッド・フォー][Colour Me Pop 1968 TV Compilation]58min
【送料無料】で 60年代英国で活躍したモッズ族の象徴といわれたバンド スモール・フェイセズの1968年の2枚のアルバムCD[オグデンズ...]発表時のTV出演を含むDVD 58min出品致します。レンタル落ちではありません。全て12回の試聴です。
①CD [オグデンズ・ナット・ゴーン・フレイク OGDENS NUT GONE FLAKE] 121968年作品 25-CP20 国内盤 1989CD発売
②CD [ゼイ・アー・バッド・フォー・スモール・フェイセズ THERE ARE BUT FOUR SMALL FACES] 141968年作品 AK47895米国盤  1991CD発売
DVD[Colour Me Pop 1968 TV Compilation] 20 58min
③のDVDは、正規盤ではないですが、①のアルバム[OGDENS NUT GONE FLAKE]発表時、1968TV放送6曲が含まれており、若き日のマリオットやメンバーのカラー映像を見ることが出来ます。他14曲はあちこちから集めたPVTV出演時のもので画質のあまり良くないものも混じっていますが、長尺の「ALL OR NOTHING」や「SHA LA LA LA LEE」でのマリオットのシャウト歌唱は歴史的資料です。



[Free Shipping] Small Faces SMALL FACES 2 CDs + DVD [Ogden's Nut Gone Flake] [They Are Bad Four] [Colour Me Pop 1968 & TV Compilation] 58min

[Free Shipping] We are offering two 1968 album CDs by the Small Faces, a band that was a symbol of the mods in the UK in the 1960s, and a 58-minute DVD including their TV appearance at the time of the release of [Ogden's...]. Not rental copies. All have been listened to once or twice.

①CD [Ogden's Nut Gone Flake OGDENS NUT GONE FLAKE] 12 songs total 1968 work 25-CP20 Domestic version CD released in 1989
*For detailed track list, please refer to image 6.

②CD [They Are Bad for Small Faces THERE ARE BUT FOUR SMALL FACES] 14 songs total 1968 work AK47895 US version CD released in 1991

*For detailed track list, please refer to image 7.

③DVD [Colour Me Pop 1968 & TV Compilation] 20 songs total 58min

*For detailed track list, please refer to image 8.

The Small Faces, a group formed in the 60s when the late Steve Marriott and the late Ronnie Lane were at the center of the Mod tribe, released ① in 1968 and topped the UK charts for four weeks. It is known as the first concept album with a story, which was also worked on by the Kinks and The Who. ② includes the single hits "Ice Cream Park" and "Tin Soldier" on a compilation album released in the US in the same year.

The DVD in ③ is not an official version, but it includes six songs from the 1968 TV broadcast of the album in ① [OGDENS NUT GONE FLAKE], and you can see color footage of Marriott and the other members in their younger days. The other 14 songs are PVs and TV appearances collected from various places, and some of them are not very good quality, but Marriott's shout singing in the long songs "ALL OR NOTHING" and "SHA LA LA LA LEE" is a historical document.

The two later formed Humble Pie and Slim Chance, respectively, and are active, but the 60s, when the personalities of these two small-faced men intertwined, was the most glorious era. It's really nice to hear Steve Marriott shouting.

We are listing these items for sale as part of inventory liquidation, but unfortunately we will not sell them separately. Please purchase the set of 3. It has been carefully stored, and the surface is beautiful, but it has been stored for a long time, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive about such things. No claims or returns will be accepted. We will strive to ship the item promptly.
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