英語ビジネス「Masters of Enterprise: Giants of American Business from John Jacob Astor and J.P. Morgan to Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey /アメリカン・ドリームの軌跡:伝説の企業家25人の素顔」H.W.Brands著 The Free Press 1999年発行 目次他11頁+354頁 US$26.00 24×16×2.8㎝ 0.63㎏ Hardcover Dustjacket
【カバー袖より内容紹介】From the early years of fur trading to today's Silicon Valley empires, America has proved to be an extraordinarily fertile land for the creation of enormous fortunes. Each generation has produced one or two phenomenally successful leaders, often in new industries that caught contemporaries by surprise, and each of these new fortunes reconfirmed the power of fanatically single-minded visionaries. John Jacob Astor and Cornelius Vanderbilt were the first American moguls; John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and J. P. Morgan were kingpins of the Gilded Age; David Sarnoff, Walt Disney, Ray Kroc, and Sam Walton were masters of mass culture. Today Oprah Winfrey, Andy Grove, and Bill Gates are giants of the Information Age. America has again and again been the land of dizzying mountains of wealth.
Here, in a wittily told and deeply insightful history, is a complete set of portraits of America's greatest generators of wealth. Only such a collective study allows us to appreciate what makes the great entrepreneurs really tick. As H. W. Brands shows, these men and women are driven, they are focused, they deeply identify with the businesses they create, and they possess the charisma necessary to persuade other talented people to join them. They do it partly for the money, but mostly for the thrill of creation.……
【著者について】H.W. Brands, Professor of History at Texas A&M University, is the author of eleven books on American history.
【英治出版2001年刊日訳書「アメリカン・ドリームの軌跡:伝説の企業家25人の素顔」内容紹介】世界最強の企業国家アメリカを築いたのは誰か? 起業の巨人たちが成功を収めた真の理由と共通点は? アメリカ経済が発展してきた歴史的な道筋とは? 本書は、アメリカン・ドリームを実現させた伝説的起業家25人の素顔を通して、アメリカン・ビジネス・パワーの本質を浮き彫りにする。また、アメリカ経済の秘密を解き明かすと同時に、この25人の波乱に満ちたストーリーは、エンタテイメントの読み物としても十分に楽しめる内容となっている。
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