【送料無料】GSグループサウンズ CD3枚[ブルーシャトウを君だけに/G.Sが好きさ好きさ好きさ]+[タイガースメモリアルクラブバンド]+[同Ⅱ]

【送料無料】GSグループサウンズ CD3枚[ブルーシャトウを君だけに/G.Sが好きさ好きさ好きさ]+[タイガースメモリアルクラブバンド]+[同Ⅱ] 收藏

当前价格: 4000 日元(合 206.40 人民币)

一口价: 4000 (合 206.40 人民币)











开始时间:03/03/2025 20:23:14

个 数:1

结束时间:03/10/2025 19:23:14








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[ブルーシャトウを君だけに/GSが好きさ好きさ好きさ] 5PSCC-1064 1992CD発売
[タイガースメモリアルクラブバンド] 18H33C-25008  1988CD発売
[タイガースメモリアルクラブバンドⅡ] 15PSCR-5230  1990CD発売
レコーディング参加メンバー;沢田研二 岸部一徳 岸部シロー 森本太郎 加橋かつみ 加瀬邦彦植田芳暁 鳥塚しげき 島英二 渡辺茂樹 真木ひでと アイ高野 岡本信 三原綱木 マモルマヌー デイブ平尾 ミッキー吉野 かまやつひろし 清水道夫 今井久




[Free shipping] 3 Group Sounds CDs [Blue Chateau Just For You/I Love GS So Much] + [Tigers Memorial Club Band] + [Double II]

[Free shipping] We are offering all 3 CDs released by the music unit "Tigers Memorial Club Band", which started in the late 1980s, 6 years after the Tigers alumni concert in 1982, and which members of the GS Group Sounds came together to record and perform live. Not rental copies.

①[Blue Chateau Just For You/I Love GS So Much] 5 songs in total PSCC-1064 CD released in 1992
*For detailed song titles, please see image 5.

②[Tigers Memorial Club Band] 18 songs in total H33C-25008 CD released in 1988
*For detailed song titles, please see image 6.

③ [Tigers Memorial Club Band II] 15 songs in total PSCR-5230 CD released in 1990
*For detailed song titles, please see image 7.

Members participating in the recording: Kenji Sawada, Ittoku Kishibe, Shiro Kishibe, Taro Morimoto, Katsumi Kahashi, Kunihiko Kase, Yoshiaki Ueda, Shigeki Torizuka, Eiji Shima, Shigeki Watanabe, Hideto Maki, Ai Takano, Makoto Okamoto, Tsunaki Mihara, Mamoru Manu, Dave Hirao, Mickey Yoshino, Hiroshi Kamayatsu, Mio Shimizu, Hisashi Imai

Group sounds was born in Japan in the late 1960s with the global popularity of the Beatles. The Tigers Memorial Club Band, a group of key GS members who gathered in the late 1980s, centered around the members of The Tigers, who were at the center of the group, became active on a wide scale, appearing on TV, holding concerts, and releasing newly recorded CDs.

① is a single that was released at the end of this boom(?) and is a medley of GS hits, and I remember it being sung often at karaoke at the time. In addition to the two medleys, it also includes the 7.5-minute masterpiece "Natsukashiki Love Song" composed by the late Kase Kunihiko. The Wild Ones version was also recorded in later years, but this original version with Toppo and Julie's voices is the best.

②③ is a collection of old GS hits in which the above members share vocals as a unit, and for the 9 Tigers songs, Katsumi Kahashi (or the late Shiro Kishibe) takes the main vocals, with Kenji Sawada's voice only heard faintly in the backing chorus, which is refreshing compared to the original records. Two versions of G-Cups' "Long Hair Girl" are included, and you can hear the exchanges between the different combinations of <Dave-Sawada> and <Mamoru-Dave>. It also includes three new songs, and "Kimi yo Megami no mama ni" is a GOOD number with vocals alternated between Yoshiaki Ueda and the late Makoto Okamoto, an arrangement of the Police's "Mitsumeteitai" that was popular at the time. Luis Luis Kabe and Eddie Han also participated in the performance at Yokohama Arena in 1989, and the stage was realized with the original members of G-Cups.

However, after this re-boom?, it will be about 10 years until "OJPC Monogatari" in 2001.

I will put it up for sale as a stock adjustment, but I'm sorry, but I will not sell it separately. Please purchase it as a set of 3. It was carefully stored, and the surface is beautiful, but it was stored for a long time, so please refrain from nervous people. No claims, no returns. 
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