【送料無料】美品 60年代イタリア カンツォーネ歌手 ジリオラ・チンクェッティ[jigliola cinquetti collection] 5CD-BOX LIVE IN JAPAN含む

【送料無料】美品 60年代イタリア カンツォーネ歌手 ジリオラ・チンクェッティ[jigliola cinquetti collection] 5CD-BOX LIVE IN JAPAN含む 收藏

当前价格: 7000 日元(合 361.20 人民币)

一口价: 7000 (合 361.20 人民币)











开始时间:03/03/2025 20:06:23

个 数:1

结束时间:03/10/2025 19:06:23








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【送料無料】美品 60年代イタリアカンツォーネ歌手ジリオラ・チンクェッティ[Gigliola cinquetti collection] CD-BOX5枚組WQCP-952~956  LIVE IN JAPAN含む

『おかえり、オーラ。長らく国内盤での入手が困難だったイタリア・カンツォーネ界の妖精、ジリオラ・チンクェッティのオリジナル・アルバムが、ついに!紙ジャケットにて復刻!おなじみの名盤に加え、ファン待望の貴重盤「恋よまわれ チンクェッティ日本語で歌う」をも含む、夢の5枚組ボックス・セット!』  VIVID SOUND より

●[ジリオラ・チンクェッティ紙ジャケットCD-BOX]   WQCP-952~956  2011年CD発売  国内盤
Disc-1; 夢見る想い             1964年作品 全12
Disc-2; 薔薇のことづけ            1971年作品 全14
Disc-3; リサイタル・イン・ジャパン  1973年作品 全13
Disc-4; ボンジュール・パリ      1974年作品 全12
本作は国内盤LPでは『枯葉 行かないで 詩人の魂』として発売されたものです。
Disc-5; 恋よまわれ~チンクェッティ日本語で歌う  1972年作品 全12


[Free shipping] 60's Italian canzone singer Gigliola Cinquetti [Gigliola cinquetti collection] CD-BOX 5 disc set WQCP-952~956 LIVE IN JAPAN included
[Free shipping] and beautiful product
Gigliola Cinquetti, who made her debut in 1964 with "Dreaming Thoughts", has released records not only in her home country Italy but also in various countries. This work is a 5-disc "paper jacket specification" CD-BOX that focuses on her success in Japan, such as Giriola's original hit songs sung in Japanese and live in Japan. It is not a rental omission. It is a beautiful item that has been auditioned only once. *Note: The wrinkles on the vinyl in image 1 are due to the BOX cover vinyl not being removed.

"Welcome back, Aura. The original album of Gigliola Cinquetti, the fairy of the Italian canzone world that has been difficult to obtain for a long time, is finally here! Reprinted in a paper jacket! A dreamy 5-disc box set that includes not only her well-known albums, but also her fans' long-awaited rare album "Koi Yomaware Kanojo no Cinquetti Nihongo de Uta"! 』From VIVID SOUND

●[Gigliola Cinquetti Paper Jacket CD-BOX] WQCP-952~956 2011 CD release Domestic edition
Disc-1; Dreaming feelings 1964 work All 12 songs
    This work is a Japanese original change of the song order of the debut album in Italy.
    *Please see image 6 for detailed song titles.
Disc-2; The story of roses 1971 work All 14 songs
    This work is a Japanese original compilation board that mainly collects A-side and B-side songs of singles.
    *Please see image 7 for detailed song titles.
Disc-3; Recital in Japan 1973 13 songs
    Recorded on October 13, 1972 at the Welfare Pension Hall.
    *Please see image 8 for detailed song titles.
Disc-4; Bonjour Paris 1974 All 12 tracks
This work was released on the domestic LP as "Don't go to the autumn leaves, the poet's soul".
    *See image 9 for detailed song titles.
Disc-5; Koi Yomaware - Cinquetti Singing in Japanese 1972 work All 12 songs
    *Please see image 10 for detailed song titles.
Disc-3 is
The live album begins with the greeting, "Everyone tonight. Nice to meet you again!" In other words, it means that this time is not the first visit to Japan. In 1970, the second visit to Japan, at the Osaka Expo venue, concerts are held day and night for a week. It proves how much she was fond of Japan.
Although it was carefully stored, the board surface is beautiful, but the storage period was long, so please refrain from nervous people. I need your help by a no claim no return. She makes sure to ship quickly.
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