英語「The First Year: Cirrhosis: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed/肝硬変最初の1年:診断を受けたばかりの人への必須ガイド」James L. Dickerson著 Fredric Regenstein序 Marlowe & Ompany 2006年発行 目次他29頁+258頁 US$15.95 22.8×15.2×1.9㎝ 0.28㎏ Paperback
(表紙より) A patient-expert walks you through everything you need to learn and do/ 専門家が忍耐強くあなたが学びそしてやらねばならないことのすべてを指導します。
(内容紹介) More than 25 million Americans and 92 million worldwide suffer from liver disease and cirrhosis, a degenerative and potentially fatal condition in which liver cells are damaged and then replaced by scar tissue, impeding liver function. The disease is most commonly caused by excessive alcohol consumption, hepatitis, or complications from prescription drugs. Immediately after his diagnosis, James Dickerson set out to educate himself on all of his options ― and found there is hope for recovery. Now, he offers The First Year: Cirrhosis, the first guide for patients and their families to understanding and managing this chronic condition. In clear, accessible language, the book walks readers step-by-step through everything they need to do each day of the first week after a cirrhosis diagnosis, each subsequent week of the first month, and the following eleven months of the crucial first year. From understanding causes to coping with complications, The First Year: Cirrhosis provides medically-sound, empathetic guidance. The book includes advice on treating symptoms, extending longevity, managing stress, and getting the best care possible for anyone affected by this condition.
(著者紹介) * James L. Dickerson is the founder of Sartoris Literary Group and is the author of 20 nonfiction books. He was diagnosed with cryptogenic cirrhosis in 2005. He lives in Brandon, Mississippi.
* Fredric Regenstein, MD is chief of clinical hepatology at the Tulane University Medical Center and co-director of the Transplant Center in New Orleans, Louisiana.
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