英語「The Scented Room: Cherchez's book of dried flowers, fragrance, and potpourri/香りの部屋:Cherchezのライフラワー・花の香り・ポプリの本」Barbara Milo Ohrbach/バーバラ・ミロ・オーバッハ著 Joe Standart/ジョー・スタンダート撮影 Clarkson N. Potter Inc. 1986年発行 132頁 US$17.95 19.7x1.8x26cm 0.73㎏ Hardcover Dustjacket
【内容紹介】Dozens of inspired ideas for using dried flowers and herbs in the home for fragrance and visual beauty, as well as how to shop for, grow, dry, and store them; by the owner of Cherchez, the elegant New York store. More than 110 full-color photographs.
【著者について (1986)】Barbara Milo Ohrbach, formerly a corporate executive and retailing entrepreneur, is now the best-selling author of fourteen books. She regularly appears on television; tours the country speaking about gardening, decorating, and antiques; and is the Travel/Style Editor of Southern Accents magazine. She is the founder of Cherchez, the trend-setting New York City shop that presently creates fragrances for the home available by mail order. Ms. Ohrbach and her shop have been featured in many magazines, including People, House Beautiful, Gourmet, Family Circle, Harper's Bazaar, Woman's Day, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Victoria, and House and Garden.
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