A1 The Blow-Up 4:00
A2 See No Evil 3:22
A3 Prove It 5:00
A4 Elevation 4:50
A5 I Don't Care 3:04
B1 Venus De Milo 3:31
B2 Foxhole 5:04
B3 Ain't That Nothin' 6:13
B4 Knockin' On Heaven's Door 7:50
C1 Little Johnny Jewel 14:56
C2 Friction 5:01
D1 Marquee Moon 14:45
D2 Satisfaction 7:18
著作権 Reachout International Records, Inc.
音源著作権 Reachout International Records, Inc.
出版 Double Exposure Music
出版 Ram's Horn Music
出版 ABKCO Music Publishing AB
リマスタリング Pomeroy Audio
プレス Europadisk
Compiled By [All Tracks Selected By] Tom Verlaine
Concept By [Concept] Neil Cooper (3)
Coordinator [Production Coordinator For ROIR (Original Cassette)] John Hanti
Design [Packaging Design] Chrismith
Engineer [Compilation Engineer (Original Cassette)] Wayne Vlcan
Executive-Producer [(Original Cassette)] Steve Ralbovsky
Layout [Vinyl Layout] Cynthia Fetty
Liner Notes John Piccarella, Robert Christgau
Mastered By [Vinyl Mastering] Don Grossinger
Written-By Bob Dylan (曲: B4), Jagger/Richards* (曲: D2), Tom Verlaine (曲: A1 to B3. C1 to D1)
All material on this LP was recorded live in 1978.