Reynolds, George W[illiam] M[acArthur], Edited by E. F. Bleiler, WAGNER, THE WEHR-WOLF.
Henry Anelay (illustrateur). Large octavo, 24 illustrations by Henry Anelay, pictorial wrappers. First printing of this edition. Offset from the text of the first book edition, John Dicks, n.d. [1857?] (originally serialized in REYNOLD'S MAGAZINE OF ROMANCE, GENERAL LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND ART, 6 November 184624 July 1847, and, nearly simultaneously, issued in weekly penny parts). New introduction and valuable bibliography by Everett F. Bleiler. "Reynolds provided the first werewolf novel in English -- although there were three or four earlier short stories -- and his work established many motifs and patterns now associated with werewolves, just as Byron-Polidori and Rymer did for vampires. Cubs of 'Wagner' are still to be found in the twentieth century." - Bleiler (ed), Supernatural Fiction Writers: Fantasy and Horror, pp. 207-210. Ashley, Who's Who in Horror and Fantasy Fiction, pp. 153-54. Barron (ed), Horror Literature 2-82. Bleiler, The Guide to Supernatural Fiction 1378. Sullivan (ed), The Penguin Encyclopedia of Horror and the Supernatural, pp. 351-2. Summers, A Gothic Bibliography, p. 550. Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature IV, pp. 2049-53. Tymn (ed), Horror Literature 2-82. Bleiler (1978), p. 165. Reginald 12158. A fine copy. (#161626).(quoted from Currey, L.W. Inc. ABAA/ILAB)
湿気オビ、シミなどありますが、ヘンリー・アンレイ(Henry Anelay)による24枚のオリジナル挿絵がそのまま復刻されており、よい雰囲気が出ています。