
10枚組■デイヴ・ブルーベック■新品ベストCD全集第一集■送料185円(二箱同梱しても)から■テイク・ファイヴ■ポール・デズモンド 收藏

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结束时间:02/23/2025 20:02:10








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Dave Brubeck  デイヴ・ブルーベック  全91曲

 10枚組CD全集第一集 ボックスセット 


  新品未開封 送料185円より

  • ウェストコースト・ジャズで一番有名なピアニスト、デイヴ・ブルーベック黄金期の五十年代の演奏を集めた全集です。
  • アルバムでは、53年の"Jazz at Oberlin"から、59年の、ジャズを知らない人でも、誰もが知っている、変拍子五拍子の名曲『テイク・ファイヴ』が収録された、大ヒットアルバム"Time Out"までの時期の演奏が収録されています。個人宅、大学、フェスティバルなどでの貴重な録音です。
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  • アルト・サックス奏者のポール・デズモンドと長年活動していますが、そのデイヴ・ブルーベック・カルテットの演奏です。名演奏91曲を10枚のCDにまとめ、全てをオリジナル盤で集める手間を省くベストアルバム。一枚分のお値段で、当時の名演奏を、たっぷりと味わう絶好のチャンス。
  • それぞれの曲の(1)作曲者(2)パーソネル(3)録音の場所(4)録音日の全データは、下のリストをご覧下さい。
  • デイヴ・ブルーベックの他の出品もどうぞ。

  • デジタル・マスタリング。音質が大変よい定評のドイツ製造CD。
    • この他にも様々なアーティストの10枚組や5枚組セットを出品しています。クリックポストは二つ同梱しても送料は185円のまま変わりません。



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    • クリックポスト厚紙梱包185円(十枚組五枚組ボックスは二つ同梱しても185円)
    • 一番安くエアキャップ梱包できるのは、匿名配送・追跡付・毎日配達のゆうパケットポスト210円です。十枚組ボックスは四箱を同梱しても210円です。
    • ジャズ魂を垣間見る名演奏をこちらに出品しています。出品中のジャズCD と同梱発送すると送料は割安になります。
    • 未開封の場合、返品に対応させていただきますが、送料と手数料をご負担下さるようお願いします。
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  • CD 1 1953 
    1.Blue Moon
    (Lorenz Hart/Richard Rodgers)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet8:16
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b)
    Lloyd Davis (d), Surf Club, Hollywood, CA, February, 1953
    2.Let‘s Fall In Love
    (Ted Koehler/Harold Arlen)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet7:22
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b)
    Lloyd Davis (d), Surf Club, Hollywood, CA, February, 1953
    3.The Way You Look Tonight
    (Dorothy Fields/Jerome Kern)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet7:44
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b)
    Lloyd Davis (d), Finney Chapel, Oberlin College, Oberlin (Ohio),
    2 March 1953
    4.How High The Moon
    (Nancy Hamilton/Morgan Lewis“)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet9:04
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b)
    Lloyd Davis (d), Finney Chapel, Oberlin College, Oberlin (Ohio), 2 March 1953
    5.These Foolish Things
    (Holt Marvell/Jack Strachey/Harry Link)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet6:34
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b) Lloyd Davis (d),
    Finney Chapel, Oberlin College, Oberlin (Ohio), 2 March 1953
    (Hans Jan Lengsfelder/Ervin Drake/Juan Tizol)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet7:52
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b) Lloyd Davis (d), Finney Chapel, Oberlin College, Oberlin (Ohio), 2 March 1953
    7.Star Dust
    (Mitchell Parrisch/Hoagy Carmichael)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet6:31
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b) Lloyd Davis (d), Finney Chapel, Oberlin College, Oberlin (Ohio), 2 March 1953
    8.Jeepers Creepers
    (Johnny Mercer/Harry Earren)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet7:28
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b) Lloyd Davis (d), The Blackhawk“, San Francisco, CA, September, 1953

    Total Time: 60:49

  • CD 2 1953 
    1.My Heart Stood Still
    (Lorenz Hart/Richard Rodgers)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet3:29
    Dave Brubeck (p), Bill Bates’ home,
    Los Angeles, CA,October, 1953
    2.Trolley Song (rehearsal)
    (Ralph Blane/Hugh Martin)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet2:19
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b) Lloyd Davis (d),
    Bill Bates’ home, Los Angeles, CA, October, 1953
    3.All The Things You Are
    (Oscar Hammerstein II/Jerome Kern)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet9:17
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b) Joe Dodge (d),
    College Of Pacific, Stockton, Ca, 14 December 1953
    (Johnny Mercer/David Raskin)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet3:15
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b) Joe Dodge (d) , College Of Pacific, Stockton, Ca, 14 December 1953
    5.Lullaby In Rhythm
    (Walter Hirsch/Benny Goodman/Edgar
    Sampson/Clarence Profit)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet7:27
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b) Joe Dodge (d), College Of Pacific, Stockton, Ca, 14 December 1953
    6.I’ll Never Smile Again
    (Ruth Lowe/Ruth Lowe)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:32
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b) Joe Dodge (d), College Of Pacific, Stockton, Ca, 14 December 1953
    7.I Remember You
    (Johnny Mercer/Victor Schertzinger)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet9:17
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b) Joe Dodge (d), College Of Pacific, Stockton, Ca, 14 December 1953
    8.For All We Know
    (Sam M. Lewis/J. Fred Coots)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:55
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b) Joe Dodge (d), College Of Pacific, Stockton, Ca, 14 December 1953
    9.Trolley Song
    (Ralph Blane/Hugh Martin)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet3:22
    Paul Desmond (as -1,2,4/9) Dave Brubeck (p), Ron Crotty (b)
    Lloyd Davis (d), San Francisco, CA, late 1953

    Total Time: 49:46

  • CD 3 1953-54 
    1.On The Alamo
    (Gus Kahn/Isham Jones)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet10:50
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b) Joe Dodge (d), Storyville, Boston, MA, December 1953
    2.Don’t Worry ’Bout Me
    (Ted Koehler/Rube Bloom)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet6:57
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Ron Crotty (b) Joe Dodge (d), Storyville, Boston, MA, December 1953
    3.Gone With The Wind
    (Herb Magidson/Allie Wrubel)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet8:12
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), Storyville, Boston, MA, March 30, 1954
    4.Back Bay Blues
    (Paul Desmond/Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet6:35Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), Storyville, Boston, MA, March 30, 1954
    5.Crazy Chris
    (Paul Desmond/Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet6:54Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), Storyville, Boston, MA, March 30, 1954
    6.Here Lies Love
    (Leo Robin/Ralph Ringer)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:53Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), Storyville, Boston, MA, 22 July 1954
    7.When You’re Smiling
    (Joe Goodwin/Mark Fisher/Larry Shay)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet9:21Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), Storyville, Boston, MA, 22 July 1954
    8.Out Of Nowhere
    (Edward Heyman/John W. Green)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet8:06Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), University Of Cincinnati, Ohio, May 1954
    9.The Song Is You
    (Oscar Hammerstein II/Jerome Kern)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:38Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 1954

    Total Time: 68:20

  • CD 4 1954
    (Dave Brubeck/Paul Desmond)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet3:35Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), Basin Street Club“, NYC, 12 October 1954
    2.Jeepers Creepers
    (Johnny Mercer/Harry Earren)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet4:58Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), Basin Street Club“, NYC, 12 October 1954
    3.Pennies From Heaven
    (Johnny Burke/Arthur Johnston)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet6:29Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), New York, 14 October 1954
    4.Why Do I Love You?
    (Oscar Hammerstein II/Jerome Kern)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:43Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), New York, 14 October 1954
    5.Stompin’ For Mili
    (Dave Brubeck/Paul Desmond)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:28Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), New York, 13 October 1954
    6.A Fine Romance
    (Dorothy Fields/Jerome Kern)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet3:50Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d) , Basin Street Club“, NYC, 12 October 1954
    7.Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?
    (Edgar Yip“ Harburg/Jay Gorney)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:19Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), New York, 14 October 1954
    (Lorenz Hart/Richard Rodgers)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:07Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), Basin Street Club, New York, 8 August 1955
    9.Little Girl Blue
    (Lorenz Hart/Richard Rodgers)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet10:42
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), Basin Street Club, New York, 8 August 1955
    10.Fare Thee Well, Annabelle
    (Mort Dixon/Allie Wrubel)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet7:25Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), Basin Street Club, New York, 12 October 1954
    11.Sometimes I’m Happy
    (Irving Caesar/Vincent Youmans)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:25Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), Basin Street Club, New York, 12 October 1954
    12.The Duke (Live)
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet2:48
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), Basin Street Club, New York, 8 August 1955
    13. Indiana
    (Ballard MacDonald/James F. Hanley)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:56Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), Basin Street Club, New York, 12 October 1954

    Total Time: 72:40

  • CD 5 1954-56 
    1.Love Walked In
    (Ira Gershwin/George Gershwin)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet8:49Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Bob Bates (b) Joe Dodge (d), Basin Street Club, New York, 12 October 1954
    2.Swing Bells
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck3:41Dave Brubeck, piano, New York, 18 & 19 April 1956
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck2:49Dave Brubeck, piano, New York, 18 & 19 April 1956
    4.In Your Own Sweet Way
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck5:02Dave Brubeck, piano, New York, 18 & 19 April 1956
    5.Two-Part Contention
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck5:41Dave Brubeck, piano, New York, 18 & 19 April 1956
    6.Weep No More
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck3:59Dave Brubeck, piano, New York, 18 & 19 April 1956
    7.The Duke
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck2:57Dave Brubeck, piano, New York, 18 & 19 April 1956
    8.When I Was Young
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck3:21Dave Brubeck, piano, New York, 12 March 1956
    9.One Moment Worth Years
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck4:54Dave Brubeck, piano, New York, 18 & 19 April 1956
    10.The Waltz
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck3:53Dave Brubeck, piano, New York, 18 & 19 April 1956
    11.In Your Own Sweet Way
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet9:30
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Dodge (d), Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, Rhode Island,9 July 1956
    12.Two Part Contention
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet11:12
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Dodge (d), Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, Rhode Island, 9 July 1956
    13.Take The A’ Train
    (Billy Strayhorn)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet6:05
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Dodge (d), Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, Rhode Island, 9 July 1956
    14.I’m In A Dancing Mood
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet3:12
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Dodge (d), Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, Rhode Island, 9 July 1956

    Total Time: 74:59

  • CD 6 1956
    1.Pilgrim’s Progress
    (Dave Brubeck/Paul Desmond)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet9:22Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Dodge (d), Stratford, Ontarioo, Canada, 3 August 1956
    2.Ode To A Cowboy
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:03
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, November 26, 1956
    3.Summer Song
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet6:07
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, November 16, 1956
    4.Yonder For Two
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:02Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, November 16, 1956
    5.History Of A Boy Scout
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet4:36
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, November 16, 1956
    6.Plain Song
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet4:05Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, November 26, 1956
    7.Curtain Time
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet4:48
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, November 16, 1956
    8.Sounds Of The Loop
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet7:31
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, November 26, 1956
    9.Home At Last
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet3:53Dave Brubeck, piano, Oakland, CA, February 4, 1957
    10.Two Sleepy People
    (Frank Loesser/Hoagy Carmichael)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:40
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Los Angeles, CA, 24 Oktober 1957

    Total Time: 56:02

  • CD 7 1957 
    1.Bru’s Blues
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet11:47Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Fullerton Junior College, Fullerton,
    Los Angeles, CA, 1 May 1957
    2.These Foolish Things (Remind Me Of You)
    (Holt Marvell/Jack Strachey/Harry Link)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet 10:14
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Fullerton Junior College, Fullerton,
    Los Angeles, CA, 1 May 1957
    3.I’m Afraid The Masquerade Is Over (Herb Magidson/Allie Wrubel)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet6:13Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Long Beach Junior College, Long Beach,
    Los Angeles, CA, 2 May 1957
    4.One Moment Worth Years
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet9:10
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Fullerton Junior College, Fullerton,
    Los Angeles, CA, 1 May 1957
    5.St. Louis Blues
    (W.C. Handy)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet8:26Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Long Beach Junior College, Long Beach,
    Los Angeles, CA, 2 May 1957

    Total Time: 45:50

  • CD 8 1957-59 ディズニーの曲
    1.Alice In Wonderland
    (Bob Hilliard/Sammy Fain)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet9:29Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, 29 June 1957
    2.Give A Little Whistle
    (Ned Washington/Leigh Harline)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet3:58
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, 29 June 1957
    3.Heigh-Ho (The Dwarfs’ Marching Song) (Larry Morey/Frank Churchill)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet7:37Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Los Angeles, CA, 3 August 1957
    4.When You Wish Upon A Star
    (Ned Washington/Leigh Harline)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet4:53
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Los Angeles, CA, 3 August 1957
    5.Some Day My Prince Will Come
    (Larry Morey/Frank Churchill)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet8:20
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, 30 June 1957
    6.One Song
    (Larry Morey/Frank Churchill)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet4:59Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Norman Bates (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Los Angeles, CA, 3 August 1957
    7.The Lonesome Road
    (Gene Austin/Nathaniel Shilkret)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet8:23
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Gene Wright (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, Rhode Island,
    5 July 1959

    Total Time: 47:34

  • CD 9 1958-59 
    1.Things Ain’t What They Used To Be
    (Mercer Ellington/Ted Parsons)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet4:53Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Joe Benjamin (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, Rhode Island, 3 July 1958
    2.Jump For Joy
    (Duke Ellington/Sid Kuller/Paul Francis Webster)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet6:31Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Joe Benjamin (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, Rhode Island, 3 July 1958
    (Hans Jan Lengsfelder/Ervin Drake/Juan Tizol)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet6:29
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Joe Benjamin (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, Rhode Island, 3 July 1958
    4.Dance No. 3 From The Liberian Suite
    (Duke Ellington)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:16Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Joe Benjamin (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, Rhode Island,28 July 1958
    5.The Duke
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:22
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Joe Benjamin (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, Rhode I'sland, 28 July 1958
    (Edmund Anderson/Ted Grouya)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet12:49
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Joe Benjamin (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, Rhode Island, 28 July 1958
    7.C-Jam Blues / Take The A’ Train
    (Duke Ellington/Barney Bigard//Billy Strayhorn)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet6:29
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Joe Benjamin (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, Rhode Island, 3 July 1958
    8.Gone With The Wind
    (Herb Magidson/Allie Wrubel)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet7:03
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Gene Wright (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, Rhode Island,
    5 July 1959
    Total Time: 54:46

  • CD 10
    1.Take The A’ Train
    (Billy Strayhorn)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet19:24
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Gene Wright (b)
    Joe Morello (d), Berlin, 22. February 1958
    2.Blue Rondo A La Turk
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet6:48Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Gene Wright (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, 18 August 1959
    3.Strange Meadow Lark
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet7:26
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Gene Wright (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, 1 July 1959
    4. Take Five
    (Paul Desmond)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:29
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Gene Wright (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, 1 July 1959
    5.Three To Get Ready
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet5:28
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Gene Wright (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, 25 June 1959
    6.Kathy’s Waltz
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet4:53
    Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Gene Wright (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, 25 June 1959
    7.Everybody’s Jumpin’
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet4:27Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Gene Wright (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, 25 June 1959
    8.Pick Up Sticks
    (Dave Brubeck)
    Dave Brubeck Quartet4:17Paul Desmond (as) Dave Brubeck (p) Gene Wright (b)
    Joe Morello (d), New York, 18 August 1959
    Total Time: 58:09
  • 出价者 信用 价格 时间
