【送料無料】ティミ・ユーロ/アン・マーグレットCD[THE BEST OF TIMI YURO,HURT][ANN MARGRET:BEST SELECTION]ビートルズカバー曲 收藏

当前价格: 2500 日元(合 129.00 人民币)

一口价: 2500 (合 129.00 人民币)











开始时间:03/03/2025 20:26:32

个 数:1

结束时间:03/10/2025 19:26:32








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【送料無料】ティミ・ユーロ/アン・マーグレットCD[THE BEST OF TIMI YURO,HURT][ANN MARGRET:BEST SELECTION]スモール・フェイセス/ビートルズカバー曲

①ティミ・ユーロ[THE BEST OF TIMI YURO,HURT] 25曲  E2-80182  1992CD発売  米国盤
②アン・マーグレット[ANN MARGRET:BEST SELECTION] 21曲 BVCP-2629  1994CD発売 国内盤
(以下私的な話ですが)何といっても素晴らしい曲が「WHATS A MATTER BABY」でティミ・ユーロに行きつくまで相当な時間がかかり本家を聴いたのは30年以上かかりました。最初にこの曲を聴いたのは吉田拓郎氏がGS時代に組んでいた広島の<ザ・ダウンタウンズ>のテープを深夜放送でかけた時でした。曲名が判らずに歳月が流れ、次にこの曲に巡り逢えたのがスモール・フェイセスのファースト・アルバムCD2曲目に入っているのを偶然発見。しかしオリジナル・アーティストは判らず<Otis>という作曲者と曲名をを頼りに探しますが、インターネットもYOUTUBEも存在しない時代にその作業は至難の業。次に出逢ったのはデル・シャノンのCDでした。デル・シャノンはスタジオ録音以外にも72年の[LIVE IN ENGLAND]でこの曲を取り上げていて自作曲並みの気に入り様です。そしてある時日本で発売された洋楽シングル盤のジャケット写真が掲載されている本で「涙がほほをぬらす時」というシングル盤の下に書かれた英語の「WHATS…」が目に入りました。こうして数十年の<曲探しの旅>は終わり本CDが我が家にたどり着きました。今はガールグループ関連のいくつかのオムニバスに収録されている事も判りました。また英国のゼムのアルバムでカヴァーも入手しました。そしてあの時聞いた拓郎さんの歌唱はYOUTUBEにアップされていました。スティーヴ・マリオットも拓郎さんも原曲に忠実にコピーしてシャウトしていい味を出していますが、やはり本家のティミ・ユーロの迫力のあるオリジナル盤「涙がほほをぬらす時」が最高です!しかし誰が考えたんでしょうねこの日本語タイトル…
②は、スウェ―デン生まれのアメリカ人女優で映画<バイ・バイ・バーディー(63)><ラスベガス万歳(64)>でプレスリーの相手役として有名です。レコードもコンスタントにリリースしており前者のテーマ曲のヒットが有名ですが、お奨めは、6曲目「アイ・ジャスト・ドント・アンダスタンド」。この曲は1961年の彼女の最初のヒット曲で17位まで上がりますが、1994年に発売されたビートルズの[Live at the BBC]DISC2⑯曲目でこの曲を演奏する4人を聴くことが出来ます。ジョンのヴォーカルでクールに歌われるこのテイクは、70年代の海賊盤LPレコード時代から存在が知られていて、まるで彼等のオリジナル曲の様に聞こえます。ステージレパートリーに入れていなかった曲を何故ラジオで演ったのか?多分ジョンがアン・マーグレットのファンだったのでしょうね(推測ですが)。オリジナルが1961年録音にも関わらずギターにファズがかかっているのは驚きです。既にこの1961年に米国ではファズが発明されていたのでしょうか。とにもかくにも名曲です!アン・マーグレットは本業が女優さんですがオールデイズの数多くのCDに色々な曲が収録されており深く掘り進んでみるのもいいかも知れませんね。



[Free Shipping] Timi Yuro/Ann-Margret CD [THE BEST OF TIMI YURO,HURT] [ANN MARGRET:BEST SELECTION] Small Faces/Beatles cover songs

[Free shipping]
We are offering two BEST CDs by American female singer <Timmy Yuro> and actress singer <Ann-Margret>, who were active in the mainstream in the early 60s. Not rental copies.

① Timi Yuro [THE BEST OF TIMI YURO,HURT] 25 songs total E2-80182 1992 CD release US edition
*Please see image 5 for detailed song titles.

② Ann-Margret [ANN MARGRET:BEST SELECTION] 21 songs total BVCP-2629 1994 CD release Japan edition
*Please see image 6 for detailed song titles.

① is a blue-eyed soul singer from Chicago, and this CD is a 25-song best album (out of print) from his Liberty days, which included the 1961 hit "HEART".

(The following is a personal story...) The most amazing song is "WHAT'S A MATTER BABY", and it took me a long time to find Timi Euro, and it took me more than 30 years to listen to the original. The first time I heard this song was when Takuro Yoshida played a tape of Hiroshima's <The Downtowns>, which he was in during his GS days, on a late-night radio show. Years passed without me knowing the name of the song, and the next time I came across it was by chance, when I discovered it on the second track of the Small Faces' first album CD. However, I didn't know the original artist, so I searched for it based on the composer <Otis> and the song name, but in an era without the Internet or YouTube, this was a very difficult task. The next time I came across it was on a CD by Del Shannon. In addition to the studio recording, Del Shannon also featured this song on [LIVE IN ENGLAND] in 1972, and he seems to like it as if it were his own song. Then one day, in a book with jacket photos of Western singles released in Japan, I noticed the English words "WHAT'S..." written under the single "When Tears Wet Your Cheeks". Thus, my decades-long <journey to find the song> ended and this CD arrived at my house. I also found out that it is now included in several omnibuses related to girl groups. I also got a cover version on the British band Them's album. And Takuro's singing that I heard at that time was uploaded to YOUTUBE. Both Steve Marriott and Takuro faithfully copied the original song and shouted it to create a nice flavor, but the original Timi Euro's powerful original version "When Tears Wet Your Cheeks" is the best! But who came up with this Japanese title?

② is an American actress born in Sweden, famous for her role as Elvis Presley's partner in the films Bye Bye Birdie ('63) and Viva Las Vegas ('64). She has released records constantly, and the theme song of the former is famous for being a hit, but I recommend the 6th track, "I Just Don't Understand." This song was her first hit in 1961, and reached number 17, but you can hear the four of them performing this song on the 16th track of Disc 2 of The Beatles' [Live at the BBC], released in 1994. This take, sung coolly by John's vocals, has been known since the days of bootleg LP records in the 70s, and sounds like an original song by them. Why did they play a song that wasn't in their stage repertoire on the radio? Maybe John was a fan of Ann-Margret (this is just a guess). It's surprising that the guitar has fuzz even though the original was recorded in 1961. I wonder if fuzz had already been invented in the United States in 1961. In any case, it's a masterpiece! Ann-Margret's main job is as an actress, but there are many songs on her many All Days CDs, so it might be a good idea to dig deeper.

I'm listing these for sale as part of inventory liquidation, but I'm sorry, but I will not sell them separately. Please purchase as a set of two. They have been carefully stored, and although the discs are clean, they have been stored for a long time, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive about them. No claims or returns please. I will try to ship quickly.

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