【送料無料】60年代オールディズ3CD[Chapel of Love and other Great Girl Group Gems]60曲+[’60sのガール.ガール.ガール] ガールグループ

【送料無料】60年代オールディズ3CD[Chapel of Love and other Great Girl Group Gems]60曲+[’60sのガール.ガール.ガール] ガールグループ 收藏

当前价格: 2500 日元(合 129.00 人民币)

一口价: 2500 (合 129.00 人民币)











开始时间:03/03/2025 20:30:44

个 数:1

结束时间:03/10/2025 19:30:44








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【送料無料】60年代オールディズCD3枚組[Chapel of Love and other Great Girl Group Gems]60+[60sのガール・ガール・ガール] ガールグループ 計4
【送料無料】で60年代オールディズのガール・グループを60曲収録したCD3枚組と日本編集の[60sのガール・ガール・ガール] 20曲入りの4CDを出品致します。重複曲はありません。レンタル落ち商品ではありません。
[Chapel of Love and other Great Girl Group Gems] 3枚組 全60曲  PBXCD353  2002CD発売 英国盤
[60s GIRL GIRL GIRL /60sのガール・ガール・ガール] 20曲  23PD-50  1988CD発売 国内盤
                                                 レコード・コレクターズ20035月号 杉原志啓氏ライナーノーツより
1988年の日本編集(日本フォノグラム)60年代ガール・グループ/オムニバスCD。ダスティ・スプニング・フィールド、レスリー・ゴーア、エンジェルス、ピクシーズ・スリー等が34曲づつ収録されておりレコードからCD時代に移った当時としては貴重な1枚でした。上野シゲル氏の丁寧なアーティスト紹介が嬉しいです。尚、CD盤上には[SOUND PATIO-GIRL GIRL GIRL]という表示があり<mercury>レコードのロゴがあるところを見ると日本編集ではなく英国マーキュリーの原盤の国内仕様かも知れません。



[Free shipping] 60's oldies CD 3-disc set [Chapel of Love and other Great Girl Group Gems] 60 songs + ['60s Girl Girl Girl] Girl group 4 discs in total

[Free shipping] We are offering a 3-disc set of 60 songs of 60's oldies girl groups and 4 CDs of ['60s Girl Girl Girl] with 20 songs edited in Japan. There are no duplicate songs. This is not a rental product.

①[Chapel of Love and other Great Girl Group Gems] 3-disc set 60 songs PBXCD353 2002 CD release UK edition
*For detailed track list, please see images 6/7/8.

②['60s GIRL GIRL GIRL / '60s Girl Girl Girl] 20 songs 23PD-50 1988 CD release Japan edition
*For detailed track list, please see image 9.

① is "Compilation albums are useful for checking out a genre. And for some reason, one area where there are a lot of them is girl group albums. I thought that by now everything had been released, but there are still some out there, and this 3-CD set, including 19 songs released for the first time on CD from the UK Sanctuary label, is a wonderful collection of girl records packed with rare recordings. First of all, the Shangri-Las, Dixie Cups, Gladys Knight & the Pips, and Marcy Blaine are standard in this genre, so you'll probably be familiar with them from various compilations, but there are only a few stars. For example, Noreen Corcoran SIDE1-⑨, who sounds just like the Chiffons' "One Fine Day," and the Sapphires②, an unknown trio from Philadelphia left behind in Swan, a treasure trove of this type of recording, and all 3 CDs are full of rare takes. Also, the songs on the Butterflies and Jelly Beans, who are somewhat well-known, are mostly non-hits and valuable! 』

From the liner notes of Sugihara Shigehiro, May 2003 issue of Record Collectors

② is a 1988 Japanese edition (Nippon Phonogram) of 60's girl groups/omnibus CD. It contains 3-4 songs each from Dusty Spinningfields, Lesley Gore, Angels, and the Pixies Three, making it a valuable CD at the time when records were moving to CDs. I'm happy with Shigeru Ueno's detailed introduction of the artists. In addition, the CD says [SOUND PATIO-GIRL GIRL GIRL] and has the <mercury> record logo, so it may not be a Japanese edition but a domestic version of the original recording by Mercury in the UK.

I'm listing these items to clear out my inventory, but I'm sorry, but I won't be selling them separately. Please purchase 2 sets (4 discs). They've been carefully stored, and although the discs are clean, they were stored for a long time, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive about such things. No claims or returns please. We will strive to ship promptly.
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