「Tarzan (ターザン) 2023年12月14日号 No.869」は、「健康とお金」をテーマに、20年後の生活に差をつけるカラダ投資術を徹底特集!健康管理が将来の医療費削減につながることを、具体的なデータと実践方法で解説。
Product Description (English)
“Tarzan” December 14, 2023 Issue No.869 focuses on “Health and Money,” exploring how investing in your body today can significantly impact your finances in the future.
This issue presents eye-opening data, such as “Overweight individuals lose 2.08 million yen, while those who walk an hour daily gain 750,000 yen.” It delves into how daily lifestyle choices affect financial and health outcomes in the long run.
Key highlights include:
“50s is the last chance to review your insurance.”
“A 30,000-50,000 yen health checkup is sufficient.”
“The most important investment you should make is in your oral health.”
Additionally, a special feature on “Smart Health Shopping” introduces carefully selected products that support a healthier lifestyle.
With insights inspired by the manga “Dragon Zakura 2,” this issue is packed with practical tips to help you stay healthy and save money at the same time. A must-read for those looking to optimize both their health and finances!