◆DVD Robinson Crusoe On Mars: Criterion Collection火星着陸第1号 (1964) クライテリオン盤 希少サントラCDも
・バイロン・ハスキン監督が小説「ロビンソン・クルーソー」を火星に置き換え製作したSF「Robinson Crusoe On Mars(邦題:火星着陸第1号)」です。
Audio commentary featuring screenwriter Ib Melchior, actors Paul Mantee and Victor Lundin, production designer Al Nozaki, Oscar-winning special effects designer and Robinson Crusoe on Mars historian Robert Skotak, and excerpts from a 1979 audio interview with director Byron Haskin
"Destination: Mars," a new video featurette by Michael Lennick detailing the science behind Robinson Crusoe on Mars
Excerpts from Melchior's original screenplay
New music video for Victor Lundin's song "Robinson Crusoe on Mars"
Stills gallery of behind-the-scenes photos, production designs, and promotional material
Theatrical trailer
PLUS: A booklet featuring a new essay by filmmaker and space historian Michael Lennick, a "Brief Yargorian Dictionary" of Melchior's original alien dialect, and a list of facts about Mars included with his original screenplay
(2)サントラCD:Van Cleaveによるサントラです。ボーナス・トラックを含む全27トラック収録。