◎ 出品のもの
1788 スウェーデン語・英語辞典、総革 補修、稀覯本、著者: Gustaf Widegren
Svenskt Och Engelskt Lexicon, Efter Kongl. Secreteraren Sahlstedts Svenska Ordbok, Forfattadt AF Gustaf Widegren,
Look up old Swedish English words for free. The 1788 Swedish English dictionary (Svenskt och Engelskt Lexicon efter Kongl. Secreteraren Sahlstedts Svenska Ordbok) by Gustaf Widegren was printed in Stockholm, 1788. Each page of this dictionary has been scanned and digitally enhanced by the Swedish Genealogy Guide. It’s great for research in genealogy, history, and linguistics. Click a letter for the page you need.
Stockholm, J. A. Carlbohm, 1788. 4:o. (10),897,(1) pp. Gustaf Widegren's (1742-1802) "Lexicon" filled the gap created when the Swedish-English dictionary by Serenius had disappeared from the market. In the preface Widegren underlines the importance of the English language in commerce and for the understanding of the many scientific discoveries made in England during that time. Many words and phrases have their respective sources mentioned. Widegren not only used expressions from the written language but also more humorous expressions and colloquial language. He emphasises terms linked to natural science, commerce and shipping.
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◎ 出品のものの状態は B です。(下の基準をご覧ください)
S 新品に近い、程度のかなり良いもの
A 程度の良いもの、貴重なもの
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