輸入アルトリコーダー用楽譜 Fun And Games With the Alto Recorder: Tune Book 1 ソロ アンサンブル ピアノ伴奏譜の別冊有 收藏
一口价: 850 (合 42.08 人民币)
开始时间:01/19/2025 03:28:03
个 数:1
结束时间:01/20/2025 02:28:03
♪発行年-1998年。 ♪価 格-----円+税。 ♪曲目♪内容♪レベルなど♪ (Schott). This Method for Alto Recorder, which is a continuation of the three volumes for soprano recorder, will continue to place great importance on developing musicianship, breathing technique, sound production, rhythmic security and the introduction of music theory. At the heart of this method lies a seamless crossover from soprano to alto recorder whilst maintaining and developing the student's soprano recorder playing. The first volumes of Fun and Games with the Recorder for soprano recorder are intended for use with children from about six years of age. This method for alto recorder is therefore aimed at children of around 10-12 years. As in the previous books in this series we address the child directly and provide carefully planned and precisely formulated exercises. This method is suitable for use both in group and individual lessons. The accompanying Tune Books offer a broad range of solo and ensemble music which is graded to match the technical and musical progression of the Tutor Books. 同梱もお受けいたしますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 このサイズの本同士ですと3冊まで送料に変化ございません。 ダメージ説明 表紙ダメージ-日焼け(軽度) スレ(あり) 折れ(軽度) 開き癖(なし) 譜面ダメージ-日焼け(軽度) 端折れ(軽度) | |
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