英語NFノーベル文学賞受賞「The Double Flame: Essays on Love and Eroticism/二重の炎―愛とエロティシズム」Octavio Pazオクタビオ・パズ著 Helen Lane英訳(スペイン語より) Harcourt 1996年発行 目次他10頁+276頁 US$15.00 0.29㎏ 19×13.5×2㎝ Paperback
【内容紹介】A discourse on the connection between sex, eroticism and love in literature.
【内容紹介】In a gem of a book, Mexican poet, critic and essayist Paz explores the boundaries between love, sex and eros. He defines eroticism as sexuality transfigured by the imagination, and romantic love as a desire for completeness manifested as a mysterious attraction toward a single person. The Nobel laureate moves easily in these erudite, reflective essays through Plato, Sappho, Proven al love poetry, Dante, Lady Murasaki's The Tale of Genji, Gnostic and Taoist erotic practices, Proust, Joyce, Freud, Breton and Lawrence. He argues that love, in the West, is an exercise in freedom, a creative and subversive sentiment, whereas in the East love has been conceived within a religious tradition. Modern sexual freedom, according to Paz, has become a narcissistic pursuit, accompanied by the erosion of family and personal values. Rejecting comparisons between the human mind and the computer, he calls for a dialogue between science and philosophy that restores the centrality of love and the soul. (Mar.)
【岩波書店刊日訳書より内容紹介】愛を論じた最高傑作 詩人として作家として現代文学のなかに屹立する巨人オクタビオ・パス.本書は,政治論・文明論と文学論を交錯させつつ,愛とエロティシズムをめぐって,その思索を集大成させたパス文学の到達点.博識,生気,熱気にあふれ,愛と性愛という人間存在の根源を縦横に論じる.著者のエッセンスがみごとに凝縮した小さな大著.
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