■商品 中古洋書【Blood, Sweat and Bond: Behind the Scenes of Spectre 】 出版社:DK 2015年発行 208ページ ハードカバー サイズ31×26センチ 重さ1410グラム 定価25UKポンド
■In the run-up to the latest James Bond film, Spectre, renowned photographer Rankin takes us from script to screen in Blood, Sweat and Bond: Behind the Scenes of Spectre, curating an ensemble of exclusive photography and cast and crew interviews. Also features contributions from celebrity photographers including Mary McCartney, Graciela Iturbide, Anderson & Low and Brigitte Lacombe. This is the first published book to preview the latest Bond film's cast, crew and locations. Directed by Academy Award-winner Sam Mendes, Spectre features the return of Daniel Craig as legendary British secret agent James Bond.
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