【送料無料】60年代英国3CD[ウエイン・フォンタナ&マインドベンダーズ]+[ハーマンズ・ハーミッツ BEST VOL1+VOL2]グレアム・ゴールドマン

【送料無料】60年代英国3CD[ウエイン・フォンタナ&マインドベンダーズ]+[ハーマンズ・ハーミッツ BEST VOL1+VOL2]グレアム・ゴールドマン 收藏

当前价格: 2500 日元(合 129.00 人民币)

一口价: 2500 (合 129.00 人民币)











开始时间:03/03/2025 21:50:47

个 数:1

结束时间:03/10/2025 19:50:11








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【送料無料】60年代英国マージビート3CD[ウエイン・フォンタナ&マインドベンダーズ][ハーマンズ・ハーミッツTHE BEST OF EMI YEARS VOL.1+VOL.2]グレアム・ゴールドマン
① ウエイン・フォンタナ&マインドベンダーズ[HIT SINGLE ANSTHOLOGY] 23曲 848161-2 1991CD発表 英国盤

② ハーマンズ・ハーミッツ[THE BEST OF EMI YEARS VOLUME 1: 1964-1966] 22曲 CDP797042 2 1991CD発表 英国盤

③ ハーマンズ・ハーミッツ[THE BEST OF EMI YEARS VOLUME 2: 1967-1971] 22曲 CDP797043 2 1991CD発表 英国盤


②は、アメリカではビートルズに次いで人気のあった(?)ピーター・ヌーン率いる、やはりマンチェスター出身のバンドです。2枚組CDにすればいいのに何故か分かれています。彼らはロックバンドというよりはポップス・グループのほうがしっくりきます。上記のグレアム・ゴールドマンとヌーンの交友関係が深く、彼の提供曲が10曲以上なのはハーマンズ・ハーミッツのみです(本2CDにも5曲収録)。ちなみにホリーズの「バス・ストップ」も元々はハーマンズ・ハーミッツの為の書き下ろし曲だったとか。カーペンターズが70年代にカバーする「THERE A KIND OF HUSH=見つめあう恋」もハーマンズの名曲です。また「IM HENERY THE EIGHT I AM」は、ザ・タイガースのPEEのテーマでした。



[Free Shipping] 60's UK Merseybeat 3CD [Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders] + [Herman's Hermits THE BEST OF EMI YEARS VOL.1+VOL.2] Graham Goldman

We are offering a total of 3 CDs: the best album of the two groups that debuted in Manchester, UK in 1963, "Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders," from their Fontana record days, and two best albums (volumes 1 and 2?) of "Herman's Hermits" from their EMI record days. Not rental copies.

① Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders [HIT SINGLE ANSTHOLOGY] 23 songs total 848161-2 1991 CD release UK edition
*For detailed track list, please see image 4.

② Herman's Hermits [THE BEST OF EMI YEARS VOLUME 1: 1964-1966] 22 songs total CDP797042 2 1991 CD release UK edition
*For a detailed track list, please see image 5.

③ Herman's Hermits [THE BEST OF EMI YEARS VOLUME 2: 1967-1971] 22 songs total CDP797043 2 1991 CD release UK edition
*For a detailed track list, please see image 6.

① is a British beat group that debuted in 1963 and had a No. 1 hit in the US with "Game of Love." However, at the end of 1965, Wayne Fontana turned to solo singing, but the remaining three members of the group had another hit the following year with "Glory Kind of Love," which reached No. 2 in the US and the UK. In Japan, the band had a pop sensibility, with the hit "Um Um Um" covered in Japanese by the GS Carnabeats. Lead guitarist Eric Stewart formed 10CC with Graham Goldman, who joined the band in 1968, and left behind many hits including "I'm in Love". Graham Goldman was a composer who had written many songs for the Yardbirds, Herman's Hermits, and the Hollies before joining the Mindbenders, and also wrote "School Girl" and "Pamela Pamela" (included on this CD) for the Mindbenders and Wayne Fontana.

② is a band from Manchester led by Peter Noone, who was second only to the Beatles in popularity in the United States. For some reason, they are split into two CDs, even though they should have been made into a double CD. They fit better as a pop group than a rock band. Graham Goldman and Noone were close friends, and Herman's Hermits are the only bands to have written more than 10 songs for him (5 of them are included on this 2CD). Incidentally, the Hollies' "Bus Stop" was originally written for Herman's Hermits. "There's a Kind of Hush," covered by the Carpenters in the 70s, is also a Herman's classic. "I'm Henery the Eight I Am" was the theme song for Pee by the Tigers.

Mi-Ke, which included Keiko Utoku, who was active in the 90s, recorded a medley of six Herman's Hermits songs in their 1993 album "Eternal Liverpool Sound." It's as good as other albums like "Bus Stop" and "For Your Love." If you're interested, please look for it.

The spine on both sides of ② has been cut out and is missing. I am listing these items to clear out my inventory, but unfortunately I will not be selling them separately. Please purchase them as a set of 3. They have been carefully stored, and although the discs are in good condition, they have been stored for a long time, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive about such things. No claims or returns will be accepted. I will do my best to ship as quickly as possible.
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