【送料無料】希少盤 80年代女性アイドルCD2組[ときめきアイドルワーナー80’sコレクション/V.A] 武田久美子,工藤夕貴,杉浦幸,加藤和彦,吉田拓郎
● [ときめきアイドル~ワーナー80’sコレクション] 2枚組 全39曲 WPCL-11192/3 2012年CD発売 帯付き
2012年にワーナー/ミュージックからリリースされた「とき(きら)めきアイドル・コレクション」2枚組には70&80年代編がありますが、こちらは80年代の2枚組。他のオムニバスCDに収録された曲もありますが、B面曲や2ndシングルも選曲されていて嬉しい2枚組。今や<ハリウッド女優>や<山ガール>まで上り詰めた工藤夕貴の映画「逆噴射家族」挿入歌「野生時代」、荻野目洋子の在籍したグループ ミルク、大映ドラマ「ヤヌスの鏡」で人気を博した杉浦幸「悲しいな」と「4月列車」、吉田拓郎作曲の隠れた名曲の倉沢淳美「六月の花嫁」、故・加藤和彦作曲のマイナー調の武田久美子「噂になってもいい」、吹田明日香のマドンナ「ライク・ア・ヴァージン」の日本語カヴァー、などなどこのCDでしか聴けないレアな楽曲が数多く収録されています。70年代と違い大ヒットこそありませんが‘歌謡曲’と‘演歌’域から脱したポジティブなアイドルソングが目立ちます。
[Free Shipping] Rare 80s Female Idol 2 CD Set [Tokimeki Idol Warner 80's Collection] Takeda Kumiko, Kudo Yuuki, Sugiura Yuki, Kato Kazuhiko, Yoshida Takuro
[Free Shipping] I am offering a rare 80s female idol 2 CD set. Not a rental item. Listened to once or twice after purchase.
● [Tokimeki Idol - Warner 80's Collection] 2 CD set, 39 songs in total, WPCL-11192/3, CD release in 2012, with obi
*For detailed track list, please see image 6/7.
The "Tokimeki Idol Collection" 2 CD set released by Warner/Music in 2012 has a 70s and 80s edition, but this is the 80s 2 CD set. Some songs are included in other omnibus CDs, but the B-sides and 2nd singles are also selected, making this a nice 2 CD set. This CD contains many rare songs that can only be heard on this CD, such as "Yasei Jidai," an insert song from the movie "Gyakufusen Kazoku" by Kudo Yuuki, who has now risen to the rank of Hollywood actress and mountain girl; "Kanashiina" and "April Ressha" by Sugiura Yuki, who gained popularity in the Daiei drama "Janus no Kagami," the group Milk, which Oginome Yoko was a member of; "Jun'atsu no Hanayome," a hidden masterpiece composed by Yoshida Takuro; "Uma ni Nitte Ii," a minor-key song composed by Takeda Kumiko, the late Kato Kazuhiko; and a Japanese cover of Madonna's "Like a Virgin" by Suita Asuka. Unlike the 70s, there are no big hits, but there are many positive idol songs that have escaped from the realm of "pop songs" and "enka."
I am listing this item for sale as part of inventory cleanup, and although it has been carefully stored, the surface is clean, but it has been stored for a long time, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive. No claims or returns please. I will try to ship quickly.
ときめきアイドル ~ ワーナー80sコレクション