アメリカの何処で入手したのか忘れました(コミックショップ、トイショーetc. ) よって非売品です。
大きさは横が34.5 cm 縦が 50.5 cm
送料を負担しますので沖縄へは発送が不可で、九州、北海道は なるべく ご遠慮頂ければ助かります。
I do not remember where I have got it. (Comic Shop, Toy Show or somewhere).
So, this is Not For Sale Item.
Poster for advertisementr on movie in 1997.
Horizontal 34.5cm Vertical 50.5cm
There is no tears but there's slight wear on the surface due to keeping as cylindrical.
We owe shipping charge but it costs too much.
It is not possible to ship to Okinawa, Kyushu area and Hokkaido.
*From Oct. 1st. of 2024, Postage charges will increase.
In accordance with above, our present asking price will be going up.