【送料無料】シルヴィ・バルタン60年代オリジナル・アルバム3CD+1CD 4th[パリからの贈り物]5th[恋を歌う]6th[パリより愛を込めて]+[BESTⅡ]

【送料無料】シルヴィ・バルタン60年代オリジナル・アルバム3CD+1CD 4th[パリからの贈り物]5th[恋を歌う]6th[パリより愛を込めて]+[BESTⅡ] 收藏

当前价格: 5000 日元(合 258.00 人民币)

一口价: 5000 (合 258.00 人民币)











开始时间:03/04/2025 20:05:05

个 数:1

结束时间:03/11/2025 19:05:05








卖家账号:prine38 收藏卖家



店家评价:好评:1264 差评:2 拉黑卖家

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【送料無料】シルヴィ・バルタン60年代オリジナル・アルバムCD3+1CD 4th[パリからの贈り物]5th[恋を歌う]6th[パリより愛を込めて]+[BEST]
4th [パリからの贈り物/A GIFT WRAPPED FROM PARIS] 12曲 1965年作品 BVCM-35021 1999CD発売 国内盤
5th [恋を歌う/SYLVIE(IL Y A DEUX FILLS EN MOI)] 12曲 1966年作品 BVCM-35022 1999CD発売 国内盤
6th [パリより愛を込め/SYLVIE(235DE BONHEUR)] 12曲 1967年作品 BVCM-35023 1999CD発売 国内盤
[THE BEST OF SYLVIE VARTAN] 20曲 1963-1973年作品 BVCP-2312  1991CD発売 国内編集盤
1曲目「IL Y A DEUX FILLES EN MOI / 恋のプロフィール」をシルヴィ・バルタンとフランソワーズ・アルディが椅子に座って交互に歌うフランスの白黒TV出演を見たことがありますが、イエイエ時代を創った二人のアンニュイな共演はこの時代でしか出せないものでした。また1970年発表の赤い鳥の2枚目のシングルB面「小さな歴史」はこの曲にインスパイアされて村井邦彦氏が作ったのでしょうか。インスパイアでもカヴァーでも良いものは良いという好例ですね。
尚、3曲目「UN ENFANT SANS SOLEIL/太陽のない子」は、フランス・ギャルが歌いそうな甘いメロディのフレンチ・ポップスでイエイエから脱したシルヴィの名曲。反面、詞の世界は重いメッセージ・ソングです。



 [Free shipping] Sylvie Vartan 60's original album CD 3 + 1 CD 4th [Gift from Paris] 5th [Singing Love] 6th [From Paris with Love] + [BEST II]

[Free shipping] We are offering 3 original album collection CDs by Sylvie Vartan, who was active from the early 60's and built the French Ye-Ye era. Not rental copies. All domestic releases have only been listened to twice. A total of 4 CDs are being offered, including 1 Best Edition II, which includes 3 rare Japanese recordings.

① 4th [Gift from Paris/A GIFT WRAPPED FROM PARIS] 12 songs total 1965 work BVCM-35021 CD release 1999 Domestic release
*For detailed song titles, please see image 6.

② 5th [Singing Love/SYLVIE(IL Y A DEUX FILLS EN MOI)] 12 songs total 1966 release BVCM-35022 1999 CD release Domestic edition

*For detailed song titles, please see image 7.

③ 6th [From Paris with Love/SYLVIE(2'35DE BONHEUR)] 12 songs total 1967 release BVCM-35023 1999 CD release Domestic edition

*For detailed song titles, please see image 8.

④ [THE BEST OF SYLVIE VARTANⅡ] 20 songs total 1963-1973 release BVCP-2312 1991 CD release Domestic compilation

*For detailed song titles, please see image 9.

① is
The 4th original album recorded in America and sung entirely in English. Released in 1965. 』
The title of the album when it was released in Japan was [Vartan Goes to Nashville]

② is,
"This fifth album, which emphasizes originals, has less of the rock color of the past and features ennui vocals. It is an elegant French pop album that aims to move away from the ye-ye style. Released in 1966."

I once saw Sylvie Vartan and Franoise Hardy appear on a black-and-white French TV show, taking turns singing the first song, "IL Y A DEUX FILLES EN MOI / Profile of Love," while sitting on chairs. The ennui-filled collaboration between the two who created the ye-ye era could only have been produced in this era. Also, was the B-side of Akaitori's second single, "Little History," released in 1970, inspired by this song and written by Kunihiko Murai? It's a good example of whether it's inspired or a cover, but good is good.

③ is,
"This is the sixth album, which breaks new ground with covers of Motown hits. Released in 1967.

The third track, "UN ENFANT SANS SOLEIL/A Child Without the Sun," is a French pop song with a sweet melody that France Gall might sing, and is a masterpiece by Sylvie that breaks away from the yey-yey style. On the other hand, the lyrics are a song with a heavy message.

④ is a sequel to the best album released on CD in 1991, and includes hit songs, covers of Western songs, and three songs recorded in Japanese during her visit to Japan in 1971, "Koibito Jidai," "Onna no Jikan," and "Watashi no Subete." Koibito Jidai was later covered by Mieko Hirota in her original album "Ai no Uta" (1972), but the original was by Sylvie. There are only two songs that overlap with the above ①, ②, and ③ versions.

We are listing these items to clear out our inventory, but unfortunately we will not sell them separately. Please purchase the set of four. Although they have been carefully stored, the records are clean, but they have been stored for a long time, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive about such things. No claims or returns please. We will try to ship promptly.

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