【送料無料】60年代フレンチポップスCD4枚[アンナ・カリーナ]+[パトリシア・カルリ]+[HALLO BONJOUR SALUT 32 FRIENCH 60’+70’S]+[GET EASY]
60年代の女性フレンチポップス[アンナ・カリーナ][パトリシア・カルリ]とフレンチポップス・オムニバスアルバム[HALLO BONJOUR SALUT 32GREAT FRIENCH HITS FROM THE 60’S+70’S]CD2枚組[GET EASY THE FRENCH POPS COLLECTION]のCD4枚(5枚)を出品します。
① [アンナ・カリーナ ANNA KARINA/BAND ORIGINALE DE LA COMEDIE MUSICALE]全16曲 1998年発売 558-837-2 仏盤
②[パトリシア・カルリ PATRICIA CARLI/Tendres Annees 60]全19曲 2003年発売 064-470-2 EU盤
ユニバーサル・ミュージックが十数年前に出した[Tendres Annees 60]シリーズの1963年のベスト盤です。パトリシア・カルリはイタリア生まれのイタリア人。1964年のサンレモ音楽祭で優勝します。ジリオラ・チンクェッテイの「夢見る想い」をフランス語で歌いますが、やはり歌い方は歌い上げるイタリア系のカンツオーネ。日本でも1967年にシングル1枚を出していますが残念ながらこのCDには収録されていないようです。尚、この方はシンガー&ソングライターで収録されている多くの曲も自作のようです。
③[HALLO BONJOUR SALUT 32GREAT FRIENCH HITS FROM THE 60’S+70’S]全32曲 2枚組 1996年発売 REP 4477-WL 輸入盤
④[GET EASY THE FRENCH POPS COLLECTION VOL.3]全22曲 1997発売 553 739-2 ドイツ盤
以前 杉真理さんがご自身のラジオ番組で「フランスの女性シンガーに興味はありますが、男性シンガーには全く…」と語っていました。こういうBEST盤を聞くといつもその時のことを思い出します。杉さんは良質な音楽(特にビートルズ)を聴いてドリーミーな曲をアウトプットし続ける本当に優れたメロディーメーカーですね。
[Free shipping] 4 CDs of French pop from the 60s [Anna Karina] [Patricia Carli] [HALLO BONJOUR SALUT 32 FRIENCH 60’+70’S] [GET EASY]
[Free shipping]
I am offering 4 CDs (5 CDs) of female French pop from the 60s [Anna Karina] [Patricia Carli] and French pop omnibus album [HALLO BONJOUR SALUT 32 GREAT FRIENCH HITS FROM THE 60’S+70’S] and 2 CD set [GET EASY THE FRENCH POPS COLLECTION].
① [Anna Karina ANNA KARINA/BAND ORIGINALE DE LA COMEDIE MUSICALE] 16 songs total Released in 1998 558-837-2 French edition
Anna Karina is a French actress who also records. She appeared in many of Godard's films, including "Pierrot le le mad," "A Woman is a Woman," and "Separate." This album is a collection of songs from the musical "ANNA," written by Serge Gainsbourg. There is also a duet with Gainsbourg. She passed away last year. Rest in peace.
② [Patricia Carli PATRICIA CARLI/Tendres Annees 60] 19 songs total Released in 2003 064-470-2 EU edition
This is the 1963 best album from the [Tendres Annees 60] series released by Universal Music over a decade ago. Patricia Carli is Italian, born in Italy. She won the Sanremo Music Festival in 1964. She sings Gigliola Cinquetti's "A Dreaming Love" in French, but her singing style is that of Italian canzone. She released one single in Japan in 1967, but unfortunately it does not appear on this CD. Furthermore, this person is a singer and songwriter, and many of the songs on the album seem to be his own creations.
③ [HALLO BONJOUR SALUT 32 GREAT FRIENCH HITS FROM THE 60’S+70’S] 32 songs, 2-disc set, released in 1996, REP 4477-WL, imported version
This 2-disc set is an omnibus album of French hits from the 60s and 70s. It is perfect for beginners to French pop, such as the well-known "France Gall" and "Franoise Hardy". The song descriptions are in French, but the CD number suggests that the album was released in an English-speaking country. The 12th song on the second disc is similar to Yumi Makiba's "Merry-go-round". The 14th song is an original song from Kenji Sawada's 8th single "Mesmerized Night" in 1973. Please refer to images 7/8 for the track list. Of the 32 songs, 13 are female vocals.
④ [GET EASY THE FRENCH POPS COLLECTION VOL.3] 22 songs total Released in 1997 553 739-2 German edition
This is a French omnibus album from the 60s to 80s edited in Germany(?). There are no overlapping songs with ③, but there are three instrumental songs and songs by non-French singers such as Sophia Loren. 9 of the 22 songs are female vocals, including "France Gall" and "Brigitte Bardot". Since it is edited in Germany, it is unclear how the songs were selected. Please refer to image 9 for the track list.
Previously, Mari Sugi said on her own radio show, "I'm interested in French female singers, but I have no interest in male singers..." Whenever I hear a BEST album like this, I always remember that time. Sugi is a truly excellent melody maker who listens to good music (especially the Beatles) and continues to output dreamy songs.
I am listing these items to clear out my inventory, but unfortunately I will not be selling them separately. Please purchase as a set of 4. They have been carefully stored, and although the discs are in good condition, they have been stored for a long time, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive about such things. No claims or returns will be accepted. I will do my best to ship as quickly as possible.