英語「Thinking about Technology/科学技術について考える: Foundations of the Philosophy of Technology/科学技術哲学の基礎」Joseph C.Pitt著 2000年 Seven Bridge Press発行 序目次13頁+146頁 23.8×15.2×1.2㎝ 0.27㎏ paperback
(Excerpt) It almost goes without saying that technology is a pervasive feature of contemporary culture. In this book I will be arguing, among other things, that technology is more than that; it is a defining feature of the--human condition. It is, therefore, the job of philosophy, the form of inquiry best suited to focusing our thinking about the "big" questions, to make sense of technology and to help us understand its workings as well as its impacts on our lives and values. Unfortunately, the kind of attention that contemporary philosophers usually give to matters of technology consists primarily of social criticism. Post-World War II philosophical treatments of technology have been primarily negative, taking the form of critical denunciations of the negative effects of technology on human values and on human life.……
(ウィキペディアより) Joseph C. Pitt (born 1943) is an American Pragmatist, philosopher of science and technology who works at Virginia Tech in the Departments of Philosophy and Science and Technology in Society. He is the current editor-in-chief of Techn: Research in Philosophy and Technology and the former editor of Perspectives on Science. He was founding director of the Center for Science Studies at Virginia Tech, which is now the Department of Science and Technology in Society. Pitt did his undergraduate studies at William & Mary, where he was a member of a fraternity. He completed his graduate studies in Canada, where he learned to grow his magnificent beard.
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