洋書英語「Nitric Oxide/酸化窒素:Novel Actons,Deleterious Effects,and Clinical Potential」Chuang C.Chiueh/Jau-Shyong Hong/Seng Kee Leong共編 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Volume 962 2002年 440頁 22.8×15.2×2.4cm 0.62kg paperback
(商品紹介) This volume explores the biological activity and potential clinical causes of nitric oxide (NO), a gas that plays important roles in the regulation of blood pressure, the immune system, and brain function. It reviews the potential beneficial effects of nitric oxide, cGMP and phosphodiesterases, in addition to their role as endothelial dependent relaxing factor (EDRF, 1998 Nobel Prize). Novel actions of NO and cGMP discussed in this work include anti-apoptosis, the preconditioning adaptation mechanism, cardio- and neuro-protective effects, anti-viral or anti-protease effects, and a possible role of cGMP in gene expression or induction. The known detrimental actions of iNOS (NOS2), peroxynitrite and reactive nitrogen species are discussed. The results of safety and clinical trials of several newly-designed nitric oxide compounds with potential anti-inflammatory activity are disclosed.
(商品状態) 経年により中古感があり、三方軽ヤケヨゴレ表紙軽スレ角縁軽イタミがあります。装丁はしっかりしており、中は書き込み等はなく(見落としがありましたらご容赦ください)、概ね並の状態です。本書が中古書であることをご了承の上お買い上げくださいますようお願いいたします。 112822122941260