洋書英語「Jinny Beyer's Color Confidence for Quilters/ジニー・ベイヤーのキルターのための色の秘密」Jinny Beyer著 The Quilt Digest Press,1992年発行 134頁+色見本5枚 US$24.95 28×22.2×1cm 0.63kg softcover
(内容紹介) Drawn from her own experience in teaching and making quilts, Jinny Beyer's "Master Palette" system is great for quilters who want to develop color confidence quickly and easily without studying formal color theory. Quilters will learn how to create a smooth-flowing palette with no jumps from dark to light or one color to the next, and will also learn the secrets to "coloring" a quilt by shading colors and fabrics or scattering them throughout a quilt. Practice exercises help crafters combine colors again and again until they can confidently choose colors for any project. Includes eight quilt patterns and templates that encourage quilters to stretch their palette, handy eight-step guide to creating a multi-color, multiprint quilt, 128 color swatches, two master palettes, and eight-course outline and suggestions for color teachers. Jinny Beyer is one of the best-known and most highly respected fabric designers in the quiltmaking industry. Her signature line of fabrics, produced by RJR Fashion Fabrics, is sold throughout the world. Home: Great Falls, VA
(Biography) Jinny Beyer, whose signature line of quilting fabrics is distributed worldwide by RJR Fabrics, is one of the world's premier quilt designers. She is the author of 11 books, including Designing Tessellations, Quiltmaking By Hand, and Jinny Beyer's Color Confidence for Quilters. She teaches nationally and internationally and her annual seminar on Hilton Head Island is one of the most popular quilting classes in the United States. She lives in Great Falls, Virginia.
(本の状態) 経年のため中古感があり、三方に軽ヤケ小ヨゴレ表紙にスレ縁角に小イタミががあります。,扉に外国書店の5.5×2.5cmほどのシールが貼られています。装丁はしっかりしており、中は書き込み等はなく(見落としがありましたらご容赦ください)、概ね並の状態です。本書が中古書であることをご了承の上お買い上げくださいますようお願いいたします。(光の具合で実物と写真の色が異なります。128222616