洋書英語編物ガイド「Magpies,Homebodies,and Nomads: A Modern Knitter's Guide to Discovering and Exploring Style/アクセサリー、家庭着、冒険着:現代の編み手が自分らしさを見つけ探るためのガイド 」Cirilia Rose/シリリア・ローズ著 Jared Flood撮影 Harry N. Abrams 2014年発行 144頁 $27.50 25.7×22.3×1.8cm 0.87kg hardcover
(内容紹介) Cirilia Rose is the epitome of the new knitwear designer young, educated, curious, and excited to share her passion for all ideas knit and purl. Her attitude toward curating her own collection of designs is informed as much by travel, cultural history, and tried-and-true sourcebooks as it is by modern media and technology. In "Magpies, Homebodies, and Nomads," Rose takes readers behind the scenes of her design process, showing them how she curates and organizes ideas and translates them into knitwear designs. Through 25 projects that fall into three categories Magpies (accessories for the small amounts of precious yarns that knitters inevitably collect), Homebodies (garments for time spent close to home), and Nomads (garments to wear when venturing out into the world) Rose shares her modern aesthetic and invites readers to develop their own."
(著者について) Cirilia Rose is the brand ambassador for Woolyarns, a New Zealand mill, which develops and promotes singular yarns for hand knitters. She lives in Seattle, Washington.
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