英文数学「Linear Algebra 2nd Edition線形代数挑戦問題第2版(解答付) Challenging Problems for Students」Fuzhen Zhang著 The John Hopkins University Press 2009年発行(1996年初版) 目次他15頁+245頁 0.38㎏ 22.8×15.2×1.7㎝ Paperback
【内容紹介】"Working problems,"writes Fuzhen Zhang in the preface, "is a crucial part of learning mathematics. A good problem should be one through which one learns methods, uses techniques, and gains insights into the subject. The reader should find the collection of 200 problems in this book diverse, interesting, and challenging."
Linear Algebra: Challenging Problems for Students is a supplementary text for undergraduate and first-year graduate students majoring in mathematics, statistics, engineering, or related areas. The book will also be helpful for instructors teaching linear algebra and matrix theory. Based on the author's ten years' experience in teaching and research, it presents 200 problems of varying difficulty ranging from elementary to some which may baffle even professional mathematicians. Hints and solutions for all problems are found in the second half of the book.
Concise and clearly written, the problems in Linear Algebra are interesting, challenging, and up-to-date. This book will be of interest to students seeking to do further work in linear algebra on an independent basis, to those wishing to refresh their knowledge of the subject, and to those in seminar-style advanced linear algebra courses.
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