英語(+日語)仏教「The Lotus Sutra法華経」Gene Reeves訳序 Wisdom Publication 2008年 Risho Koseikai 目次他11頁+489頁 0.71㎏ 22.8×15.3×3.1㎝ Paperback *岩波文庫「法華経(下)」(中古・可・無料)を同梱いたします。ご不要でしたら取引ナビにてお知らせください。
【裏表紙より内容紹介】The Lotus Sutra is regarded as one of the world's great religious scriptures and most influential texts. It's a seminal work in the development of Buddhism throughout East Asia and, by extension, in the development of Mahayana Buddhism throughout the world. Taking place in a vast and fantastical cosmic setting, the Lotus Sutra places emphasis on skillfully doing whatever is needed to serve and compassionately care for others, on breaking down distinctions between the fully enlightened buddha and the bodhisattva who vows to postpone salvation until all beings may share it, and especially on each and every being's innate capacity to become a buddha.
Gene Reeves's new translation appeals to readers with little or no familiarity with technical Buddhist vocabulary, as well as long-time practitioners and students. In addition, this remarkable volume includes the full "threefold" text of this classic.
【本の状態】 経年により中古感があり、三方に軽ヤケ 表紙に軽スレ角軽イタミがあります。装丁はしっかりしており、中は書き込み等はなく(見落としがありましたらご容赦ください)、概ね並の状態です。本書が中古書であることをご理解頂きお買い上げくださいますようお願い致します。(整理番号36532-46339) 152252