英語SFマイケル・コルビー3冊「Humanity's Fire series Book1~Book3/人類の火第1巻~第3巻」Michael Cobley著 Orbit(Hachette Book Group) 1.01㎏(3冊で) Paperback
*第1巻「Seeds of Earth」2012年(2009年初版)発行 US$8.00 632頁 17.1×10.6×3.7㎝
*第2巻「Orphaned World」2012年(2010年初版)発行 £8.99 614頁 17.8×10.9×4.3㎝
*第3巻「The Ascendant Stars」2012年(2011年初版)発行) £8.99 614頁 17.8×10.9×4.3㎝
【①表紙より内容紹介】The first intelligent species to encounter mankind attacked without warning. Merciless. Relentless. Unstoppable. With little hope of halting the invasion, Earth's last roll of the dice was to dispatch three colony ships, seeds of Earth, to different parts of the galaxy. The human race would live on ... somewhere.
【②表紙より内容紹介】Darien is no longer a lost outpost of humanity, but the prize in an intergalactic struggle. Hegemony forces control the planet, while Earth merely observes, rendered impotent by galactic politics. Yet Earth's ambassador to Darien will become a player in a greater conflict as there is more at stake than a turf war on a newly discovered world.
An ancient temple hides access to a hyperspace prison, housing the greatest threat sentient life has never known. Millennia ago, malignant intelligences were caged there following an apocalyptic struggle, and their servants work on their release. Now a new war is coming.
【③内容紹介】Battle-ready factions converge above Darien, all with the same objective: to control this newly discovered planet and access the powerful weapons at its heart. Despotic Hegemony forces dominate much of known space and they want this world too, but Darien's inhabitants are determined to fight for their future.……
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