英訳(日訳)文学「Empress:A Novel/女帝:わが名は則天武后」Shan Sa/山颯(シャン・サ)著 Adrian Hunter英訳 Harper Perennial 2006年(仏語原著2003年)発行 324頁 US$14.95 0.68㎏(2冊で) 20.3×13.4×2.3㎝ Paperback *草思社刊単行本吉田良子訳「女帝:わが名は則天武后」(中古・並・無料)を同梱致します。ご不要でしたら取引メッセージにてお知らせ下さい。
【裏表紙より内容紹介】Such is the voice of Shan Sa's unforgettable heroine in her latest literary masterpiece, Empress. Empress Wu, one of China's most controversial figures, was its first and only female emperor, who emerged in the seventh century during the great Tang Dynasty and ushered in a golden age. Throughout history, her name has been defamed and her story distorted by those taking vengeance on a woman who dared to become emperor. But now, for the first time in thirteen centuries, Empress Wu (or Heavenlight, as we come to know her) flings open the gates of the Forbidden City and tells her own astonishing tale?revealing a fascinating, complex figure who in many ways remains modern to this day.
Writing with epic assurance, poetry, and vivid historic detail, Shan Sa plumbs the psychological and philosophical depths of what it means to be a striving mortal in a tumultuous, power-hungry world. Empress is a great literary feat and a revelation for the ages.
【著者について】1972年、北京生まれ。7歳で詩作を始め、11歳で処女詩集を公刊。天安門事件後の1990年、17歳で渡仏。画家バルテュスのもとで2年間働き、親交を結ぶ。Porte de la paix celeste で1997年のゴンクール賞最優秀新人賞を、つづく Les Quatre Vies du saule でカゼス=リップ賞、2001年の『碁を打つ女』(早川書房刊)で「高校生が選ぶゴンクール賞」を受賞した。2003年、4作目になる本書を刊行。
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