英語(+日語)児童文学「Peter Pan/ピーター・パン」J.M.Barrie著 Alison Lurie(あとがき) Sergio Martinez(イラスト) Signet Classics 1987年初版 US$5.99 目次他5頁+200頁 0.38㎏(2冊で) 17.5×10.5×1.6㎝ Paperback *岩波少年文庫厨川圭子訳 F.D.ベッドフォード(イラスト)「ピーター・パン」(中古・可・無料)を同梱致します。ご不要でしたら取引ナビにてお知らせ下さい。
【内容紹介】With a magic and emotional appeal unmatched by any other story, Barrie’s Peter Pan speaks directly to childhood’s dreams and desires with an imaginative genius that evokes both laughter and tears. Peter, the boy would wouldn’t grow up; Nana, the Darling children’s nurse and pet Newfoundland; deliciously dreadful Captain Hook, who is stalked by a crocodile with a clock in his stomach; and Tinker Bell, “quite a common fairy,” who swears like a sailor and is murderously jealous?these characters of startling originality are rich, funny, mischievously insightful, and a joy to read about again and again. The result is a masterpiece of literature that has been working its timeless wonderment on us since it first appeared.
【著者について】J. M. Barrie (1860-1937) was a bestselling writer well before he created Peter Pan. His famous children’s plays grew from stories he had made up for the young sons of his friends Arthur and Sylvia Davies. First performed in 1904, Peter Pan was such a success it became an annual Christmas event. In 1911, Barrie novelized the play. Upon his death, Barrie left the copyright for Peter Pan to the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children in London.
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