英語健康「健康のための指圧法/Acupressure Way of Health:Jin shin do」Iona Marsaa Teeguarden著 Japan Publications 2001年3月20刷(1978年4月初版)発行 160頁 US$17.00 0.42㎏ 25.6×18×1.3㎝ Paperback
【内容紹介】Jin Shin Do was made to make magic in the many. This book presents some basics of the art, in a simple form easily employed by the layperson. For qualified instruction on the details and professional applications of Jin Shin Do(r) Acupressure, seek instruction from an authorized, certificated teacher, who will prominently display the Jin Shin Do symbol. For directory of authorized teachers and registered practitioners throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe, write to the Jin Shin Do Foundation for Bodymind Acupressure, TM P.O. Box 1097, Felton, California 95018 USA.
【著者について】IONA MARSAA TEEGUARDEN, M. A.. has been a Jin Shin Do acupressure therapist and teacher since 1972. lona's writings and her teaching, throughout the United States and in Europe, have gained her international recognition as an authority on acupressure. Her dedication f to the development of Jin Shin
Do has resulted in its emergence as a powerful force within the health arts.
【ウィキペディアより】Jin Shin Do ("The Way of the Compassionate Spirit") is a therapeutic acupressure technique developed by psychotherapist Iona Marsaa Teeguarden, beginning in the 1970s. Jin Shin Do classes teach the use of gentle yet deep finger pressure on specific acu-points and verbal Body Focusing techniques. (Jin Shin Doは、1970年代に始まった、心理療法士Iona Marsaa Teeguardenによって開発された治療指圧テクニックです。 ジンシンドゥクラスは、特定のツボおよび口頭によるボディフォーカシングテクニックに対する、穏やかでありながら深い指の圧力の使用を教えます。)……
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