The Adult Hip Volume2 2nd Edition
Callaghan, John J. (EDT)/ Rosenberg, Aaron G., M.D. (EDT)/ Rubash, Har
ジョン ・J・キャラハン(編集者)、 MD・ローゼンバーグ、アーロン・G (編集者)、ハリー・E・ルバッシュ
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Wolters Kluwer
リッピンコット・ウィリアムズ ウォルターズ・クルワー 発行
第2巻 第5章 人工股関節全置換術 第6章 複雑股関節全置換術
人工股関節全置換術は、依然として最も多く行われている股関節手術であるため、その適応症、禁忌、技術的詳細、合併症、転帰、さらに初回手術と再手術の両方における経済的影響など、徹底的な注意が払われている。様々な、時には相反する視点を代表する複数の著者が参加し ていることで、現代の人工股関節置換術の問題に対する手術手技やア プローチの多様性が正確に表現されている。さらに、複数の著者が、一次および再置換術における様々なインプラントの選択肢を代表している。これらのアプローチの中には、まだ新しすぎて有用性が明らかでないものもあるが、まだ十分に対処されていない問題に対する潜在的な解決策を示すものである。
第5章 股関節全置換術
人工股関節置換術 827
55 人工股関節全置換術の経済学 829
ケビン・J・ボジッチ、ハレド・J・サレハ、カルロス・J・ラヴェルニア、 ジャバド・パルヴィジ
56 整形外科におけるアウトカムリサーチ:総説 836
57 人工股関節全置換術のクリニカルパスと費用効率 843
John F. Tilzey、Richard lorio、William L. Healy
58 一次人工股関節全置換術: 適応と禁忌 851
59 人工股関節全置換術における寛骨臼と大腿骨の骨量減少の分類 859
60 術前計画 884 Robert L. Barrack and R. Stephen J. Burnett
61 手術手技の一般原則 911 Kevin L. Garvin
62 セメント製大腿骨コンポーネント 917
ウィリアム・J・マロニー、マイケル・N・カン、 ジェームズ・M・ハートフォード
63 セメント固定寛骨臼: 根拠と手技 940
64 セメントレス寛骨臼コンポーネント 946 Christopher L. Peters and Michael D. Miller
65 人工股関節表面置換術 969 ラオス
トーマス・P・シュマルツリート、ヴィンセント・A・ファウブル、 ルディ・G・ビッチュ、E・S・チョイ
66 セメントレス大腿骨コンポーネント モジュラー980M
67 セメントレス大腿骨コンポーネント 広範囲コーティング 989
68 ハイドロキシアパタイト・コーティング 1005 noiz William N. Capello、James A. D'Antonio、Michael T. Manley、Judy R. Feinberg
69 近心茎 1014
David W. Manning、Torey P. Botti、Harry E. Rubash
70 テーパー大腿骨コンポーネント 1025 Constant A. Busch、Robert B. Bournemo
71 プレスフィット大腿骨コンポーネント 1036 J. David Blaha and Todd A. Borus
72 大腿骨非固定人工関節のカスタムデザインとロボット挿入 1044
73 人工股関節全置換術のための外科的ナビゲーション 1053 Anthony M. DiGioia III 氏、Sorin Blendea 氏、Branislav Jaramaz 氏
74 アジア人の股関節 1060
75 大腿骨頭の血管壊死:韓国の経験 1078 Shin-Yoon Kim and Harry E. Rubash
76 早期合併症とその管理 1087 Christopher E. Selgrath, Craig G. Mohler、Dennis K. Collis、William A. Jiranek
77 晩期合併症とその管理 1109 Michael R. O'Rourke、Ajay Aggarwal、Brian G. Evans
第6章 複雑な人工股関節全置換術 1125
78 発達性股関節形成不全に続発する関節炎の治療における人工股関節全置換術 1127 William H. Haris and Brett J. Hampton
79 複合一次臼蓋置換術 1142 Thomas P. Vail and David R. Maish
80 複合一次人工股関節全置換術: 大腿骨側 1159 アンドリュー・H・グラスマン
81 人工関節置換術による股関節骨折 1187 Brett R. Levine, Patrick A. Meere, Paul E. Di Cesare, and Joseph D. Zuckerman
82 人工関節周囲骨折の管理 1211 Victor T. Jando,Patrick J. Duffy,Bassam A. Masri,Clive P. Duncan
83 転子部の管理 1232 Jeffrey D. Yergler,Craig J. Della Valle,Craig Silverton,Aaron G. Rosenberg
84 敗血症:病因,予防,診断 1257 ウィリアム・G・ハミルトン,ジェームズ・P・マコーリー
85 敗血症 一期交換 1271 ピーター・ケイ(Peter R. Kay)、アニル・ガンヒール(Anil Gambhir
86 人工股関節全置換術における二段階交換 1281 Andrew D. Toms, Bassam A. Masri, Clive P. Duncan, and Eduardo A. Salvati
87 抗生物質充填インプラント 1295 Kevin L. Garvin and Craig R. Mahoney
88 敗血症:抗菌薬の合理的使用 1304 Barry D. Brause
第7章 人工股関節全置換術の再置換
人工関節置換術 1311
89 人工股関節再置換術の術前計画 1313 Sanjeev Agarwal、Andrew A. Freiberg、Harry E. Rubash
90 痛みを伴う人工股関節全置換術の評価 1343 Richard E. White, Jr.
91 コンポーネントとセメントの除去 1352 William J. Hozack and Frazer A. Wade
92 人工股関節全置換術: 非セメント臼蓋コンポーネント 1371 Daniel J. Berry
93 寛骨臼再建術における新しい概念 1382 R. Michael Meneghini、David G. Lewallen、Arlen D. Hanssen
94 寛骨臼再建における構造的移植片の適応、手技、結果 1399 Allan E Gross and Stuart Goodman
95 寛骨臼コンポーネントの再置換術: インパクション・グラフト 1409 B. Willem Schreurs, Tom J. J. H. Slooff, Pieter Buта, Nico Verdonschot, and Jean W. M. Gardeniers
96 寛骨臼コンポーネントの再置換術: マイケル・J・クリスティ、デビッド・K・デボア、マーサ・F・ブリンソン、 J・クレイグ・モリソン
97 大腿骨コンポーネントの再置換術: エクステンシブ・コーティング 1428 Scott M. Sporer and Wayne G. Paprosky
98 大腿骨コンポーネントの再置換術 モジュール化 1439
99 バルク移植片とストラット 1448
100 大腿骨コンポーネントの再置換術:近位多孔性コーティング 1459.デビッド・S・ハンガーフォード、マイケル・A・モント
101 大腿骨コンポーネントの再置換術セメント 1463 ジョン・J・キャラハン、マイケル・R・オルーク、リチャード・C・ジョンストン
102 大腿骨コンポーネントの再置換術:グラハム・A・ジー、ジョン・A・F・チャリティ、トニー・ランバートン、 A・ジョン・ティンパーリー
103 大腿骨コンポーネントの再置換術:ハイドロキシアパタイトによる強化 1485 Rudolph G. T. Geesink and Nicolette H. M. Hoefnagels
104 リビジョン・ワグナー・テクニックステム 1496 ポール・M・ベーム
105 大腿骨溶解の外科的治療 1505
106 ソケット骨溶解の外科的治療 1514
107 人工股関節置換術 1522 バレットS.ブラウン、マイケルH.フオ
108 リハビリテーション 1533 マイケル・C・ムニンとシンシア・W・マジャースキー
109 低侵襲人工股関節全置換術における後方アプローチ 1540 ローレンス・D・ドーア、カンビズ・シャールダー
110 最小侵襲人工股関節全置換術:2つの切開法 1550 Richard A. Berger
111 ミニ切開人工股関節全置換術:前外側アプローチ 1558 Sridhar M. Durbhakula、Richard A. Berger、Andrew A. Freiberg
112 最小切開人工股関節全置換術の合併症 1562 F. Bottner and Thomas P. Sculco
(「参考」 Vol.1 目次 )
第1節 股関節手術の歴史
第3節 臨床科学
第4節 人工関節置換術の選択肢
John W. Barrington、Andrew A. Freiberg、 Harry E. Rubash
More than 100 chapters by the foremost leaders in hip surgery provide comprehensive coverage of disorders of the adult hip?from practical basic science to detailed surgical techniques including hip arthroscopy and developing techniques in minimally invasive surgery. More than 2,600 illustrations complement the text. Has new chapters on minimally invasive surgery of the hip. Other new topics covered include use of fiber metal mesh in acetabular revision reconstruction, revision press-fit Wagner type of stems, and implant retrievals.
Full Description
Now in its Second Edition, this two-volume reference is the only current book available that focuses on the adult hip. More than 100 chapters by the foremost leaders in hip surgery provide comprehensive coverage of disorders of the adult hip - from practical basic science to detailed surgical techniques including hip arthroscopy and developing techniques in minimally invasive surgery. More than 2,600 illustrations complement the text. This edition has new chapters on minimally invasive surgery of the hip. Other new topics covered include use of fiber metal mesh in acetabular revision reconstruction, revision press-fit Wagner type of stems, and implant retrievals.
As students of hip surgery, we are acutely aware of the giants in our field who have paved the way for our contemporary ability to diagnose and treat hip diseases. We are fortunate to live in a time when access to information is more readily obtained than it was in the past. This second edition of The Adult Hip represents our contribution to this reality.
We developed this second edition of The Adult Hip to pro- vide a comprehensive, organized text on adult hip pathology and treatment. The enormous amount of investigative work that has been performed and reported on the normal hip, the disease processes affecting it, and treatment of these diseases are provided by this one complete and convenient source. We were fortunate to attract the most respected world authorities in this field, and the book reflects the depth of their various knowledge and expertise.
The 112 chapters in this edition of The Adult Hip are orga- nized as two volumes with seven major sections. The "Basic Science" section provides the necessary underpinnings for sound clinical judgment. It includes pertinent information concerning anatomy, biomaterial, wear, the biology of grafts, and osteolysis, as well as issues related to bearing surface options. Distinctive features of the clinical sections include beautifully illustrated chapters on surgical anatomy and mini- mally invasive and standard approaches, as well as in-depth coverage of alternatives to arthroplasty. In addition, eminent authorities provide detailed analyses on evaluation and imag- ing of the hip, the various disorders that affect the adult hip, and important details of perioperative management from anesthesia and nursing standpoints.
Because it remains the most performed hip operation, total hip arthroplasty receives exhaustive attention, including indi- cations, contraindications, technical details, complications, and outcomes, as well as the economic impact of both pri- mary and revision procedures. The inclusion of multiple authors, representing varying and sometimes opposing points of view, accurately represents the profusion of surgical tech- niques and approaches to the problem of contemporary hip arthroplasty. In addition, multiple authors have represented the various implant options in primary and revision surgery. Some of these approaches are so new that their utility is not yet clear; but they represent potential solutions to problems that have not yet been adequately addressed.
This text can serve as a comprehensive review for medical students, researchers, and students in the basic sciences related to hip reconstruction, orthopaedic residents, and fellows in adult reconstructive hip surgery. At the same time, it is a valu- able resource for those seeking practical advice and expertise concerning the details of hip reconstruction, including general orthopaedic surgeons, experienced hip surgeons, and others who care for patients with hip problems. All of these groups will find information to broaden their scope of knowledge and clinical performance.
Our goal for this edition of The Adult Hip is to set a new standard for a text on adult hip surgery. We hope that we have captured the extensive advances in the field of hip surgery, especially since the development of total hip arthroplasty, and that all readers will better understand the disorders of the adult hip and their treatments.
Economics and Utilization of Hip Arthroplasty
55 Economics of Total Hip Arthroplasty 829
Kevin J. Bozic, Khaled J. Saleh, Carlos J. Lavernia, and Javad Parvizi
56 Outcomes Research in Orthopaedics: A Review 836
Khaled J. Saleh, Javad Parvizi, Kevin J. Bozic, and David A. Heck
57 Clinical Pathways and Cost Efficiency for Total Hip Arthroplasty 843
John F. Tilzey, Richard lorio, and William L. Healy
Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty
58 Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: Indications and Contraindications 851
Craig J. Della Valle and Aaron G. Rosenberg
59 Classification of Acetabular and Femoral Bone Loss in Total Hip Arthroplasty 859
Susan E. Barrett and Harry E. Rubash
60 Preoperative Planning 884 Robert L. Barrack and R. Stephen J. Burnett
61 General Principles of Surgical Technique 911 Kevin L. Garvin
62 The Cemented Femoral Component 917
William J. Maloney, Michael N. Kang, and James M. Hartford
63 The Cemented Acetabulum: Rationale and Technique 940
Amar S. Ranawat and Chitranjan S. Ranawat
64 The Cementless Acetabular Component 946 Christopher L. Peters and Michael D. Miller
65 Total Hip Resurfacing 969 Lao
Thomas P. Schmalzried, Vincent A. Fowble, Rudi G. Bitsch, and E. S. Choi
Primary Cementless Femoral Component
66 Cementless Femoral Component: Modular 980M
Douglas A. Dennis and Christopher B. Lynch
67 Cementless Femoral Components: Extensively Coated 989
William D. Bugbee and Charles A. Engh
68 Hydroxyapatite Coating 1005 noiz William N. Capello, James A. D'Antonio, Michael T. Manley, and Judy R. Feinberg
69 The Proximally Ingrown Stem 1014
David W. Manning, Torey P. Botti, and Harry E. Rubash
70 The Tapered Femoral Component 1025 Constant A. Busch and Robert B. Bournemo
71 Press-Fit Femoral Components 1036 J. David Blaha and Todd A. Borus
72 Custom Design and Robotic Insertion of Uncemented Femoral Prostheses 1044
William L. Bargar
73 Surgical Navigation for Total Hip Arthroplasty 1053 Anthony M. DiGioia III, Sorin Blendea, and Branislav Jaramaz
74 The Asian Hip 1060
Nobuhiko Sugano, Takashi Nishii, and Masaki Takao
75 Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head: The Korean Experience 1078 Shin-Yoon Kim and Harry E. Rubash
Complications Following Total Hip Arthroplasty
76 Early Complications and Their Management 1087 Christopher E. Selgrath, Craig G. Mohler, Dennis K. Collis, and William A. Jiranek
77 Late Complications and Management 1109 Michael R. O'Rourke, Ajay Aggarwal, and Brian G. Evans
78 Total Hip Arthroplasty in the Management of Arthritis Secondary to Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 1127 William H. Harris and Brett J. Hampton
79 Complex Primary Acetabular Replacement 1142 Thomas P. Vail and David R. Maish
80 Complex Primary Total Hip Replacement: Femoral Side 1159 Andrew H. Glassman
81 Hip Fractures Treated by Arthroplasty 1187 Brett R. Levine, Patrick A. Meere, Paul E. Di Cesare, and Joseph D. Zuckerman
82 Management of Periprosthetic Fractures 1211 Victor T. Jando, Patrick J. Duffy, Bassam A. Masri, and Clive P. Duncan
83 Management of the Trochanter 1232 Jeffrey D. Yergler, Craig J. Della Valle, Craig Silverton, and Aaron G. Rosenberg
84 Sepsis: Etiology, Prophylaxis, and Diagnosis 1257 William G. Hamilton and James P. McAuley
85 Sepsis: One-Stage Exchange 1271 Peter R. Kay and Anil Gambhir
86 Two-Stage Exchange Arthroplasty in the Management of the Infected Total Hip Arthroplasty 1281 Andrew D. Toms, Bassam A. Masri, Clive P. Duncan, and Eduardo A. Salvati
87 Antibiotic-Loaded Implants 1295 Kevin L. Garvin and Craig R. Mahoney
88 Sepsis: The Rational Use of Antimicrobials 1304 Barry D. Brause
89 Preoperative Planning for Revision Hip Arthroplasty 1313 Sanjeev Agarwal, Andrew A. Freiberg, and Harry E. Rubash
90 Evaluation of the Painful Total Hip Replacement 1343 Richard E. White, Jr. and Michael J. Archibeck
91 Removal of Components and Cement 1352 William J. Hozack and Frazer A. Wade
Revision of the Acetabular Component
92 Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Uncemented Acetabular Components 1371 Daniel J. Berry
93 New Concepts in Acetabular Revision Reconstruction 1382 R. Michael Meneghini, David G. Lewallen, and Arlen D. Hanssen
94 The Indications, Technique, and Results for Structural Allografts in Revision Arthroplasty of the Acetabulum 1399 Allan E Gross and Stuart Goodman
95 Revision of the Acetabular Component: Impaction Grafting 1409 B. Willem Schreurs, Tom J. J. H. Slooff, Pieter Buта, Nico Verdonschot, and Jean W. M. Gardeniers
96 Revision of the Acetabular Component: Oblong and Custom Cups 1420 Michael J. Christie, David K. DeBoer, Martha F. Brinson, and J. Craig Morrison
Revision of the Femoral Component
97 Revision of the Femoral Component: Extensive Coatings 1428 Scott M. Sporer and Wayne G. Paprosky
98 Femoral Component Revision: Modularity 1439
John W. Barrington, Andrew A. Freiberg, and Harry E. Rubash
99 Bulk Allografts and Struts 1448
Roger H. Emerson, Jr.
100 Revision of the Femoral Component: Proximal Porous Coating 1459. David S. Hungerford and Michael A. Mont
101 Revision of the Femoral Component: Cement 1463 John J. Callaghan, Michael R. O'Rourke, and Richard C. Johnston
102 Revision of the Femoral Component: Impaction Grafting 1476 Graham A. Gie, John A. F. Charity, Tony Lamberton, and A. John Timperley
103 Revision of the Femoral Component: Hydroxyapatite Enhancement 1485 Rudolph G. T. Geesink and Nicolette H. M. Hoefnagels
104 Revision Wagner Technique: Stem 1496 Paul M. Boehm
105 Surgical Treatment of Femoral Lysis 1505
Peter G. Sultan, David W. Manning, Kelly J. Hendricks, Raj K. Sinha, and Harry E. Rubash
106 Surgical Treatment of Socket Osteolysis 1514
Peter P. Chiang, Dennis W. Burke, and Harry E. Rubash
107 Conversion Total Hip Replacement 1522 Barrett S. Brown and Michael H. Huo
108 Rehabilitation 1533 Michael C. Munin and Cynthia W. Majerske
Minimally Invasive Surgery
109 The Posterior Approach for Minimally Invasive Total Hip Replacement Surgery 1540 Lawrence D. Dorr and Cambize Shahrdar
110 Minimally Invasive Total Hip Arthroplasty: Two Incision Technique 1550 Richard A. Berger
111 Mini-Incision Total Hip Arthroplasty: The Anterolateral Approach 1558 Sridhar M. Durbhakula, Richard A. Berger, and Andrew A. Freiberg
112 Complications of Minimal Incision Total Hip Arthroplasty 1562 F. Bottner and Thomas P. Sculco
(FYI Vol.1 Contents )