英語訳/ブラジル文学「 Zero/ゼロ」Ignscio de Loyola Brandao/イグナシオ・デ・ロヨラ・ブランダオ著 Dalkey Archive Press 2004年英訳版(1974年ポルトガル語初版) US$13.95 序他11頁+305頁 21.5×13.9×2.3㎝ 0.43㎏ Paperback
【出版社より内容案内】Against a backdrop of political corruption Jose lives an ordinary life, working a dead-end job catching mice in a dingy movie theater. Everything changes when he meets his wife Rosa thanks to the help of the Happy Heart Marriage Agency. They seem to have an understanding: Jose isn’t bothered by Rosa’s dishonesty, extra weight, and fantastically promiscuous past; Rosa isn’t too put off by Jose’s clubbed foot, periodic blackouts, or lack of direction?she just wants a house. Pragmatic, Jose sets out to get the money necessary to make that possible. And in doing so, he manages to become a robber, sniper, and political subversive wanted by the government. Deploying fast-paced, short chapters in a number of styles, Brandao deftly presents an array of engaging characters and conflicts, vividly depicting the absurdity of a repressive political regime with exceptional daring and humor.
【著者について】Ignacio de Loyola Brandao began his career writing film reviews and went on to work for one of the principal newspapers in Sao Paulo. Initially banned in Brazil, his novel Zero went on to win the prestigious Brasilia Prize and become a controversial bestseller. Brandao is the author of more than a half-dozen works of fiction, including Zero, Teeth Under the Sun, Angel of Death, and The Good-Bye Angel.
【ウィキペディア】Ignacio de Loyola Lopes Brandao (Araraquara, 31 de julho de 1936) e um contista, romancista e jornalista brasileiro. Possui uma uma vasta producao literaria, tendo sido traduzido para diversas linguas. Recebeu, entre alguns premios, o Jabuti em 2008.
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